A. Bhattacharjee(a), B. Allen(g), C.-S. Chang(a), H. Chen(f), Y. Chen(f), J. Cheng(f), E. DโAzevedo(b), P. Davis(e), J. Dominski(a), M. Dorf(c), M. Dorr(c), S. Ethier(a), A. Friedman(c), K. Germaschewski(h), R. Hager(a), A. Hakim(a), G. Hammett(a), J. Hittinger(c), S. Janhunen(d), F. Jenko(d), S. Klasky(b), S. Ku(a), R. Kube(a), L. LoDestro(c), N. Mandell(a), G. Merlo(d), A. Mollen(a), M....
The TCV tokamak continues to leverage its unique shaping capabilities, flexible heating systems and modern control system to address critical issues in preparation for ITER and a fusion power plant. For the 2019-20 campaign its configurational flexibility has been enhanced with the installation of divertor gas baffles and its diagnostic capabilities with an extensive set of upgrades....
As an important part of the fusion research program in China, the key missions of the HL-2A and HL-2M tokamak programs are to explore physics and technology issues and provide research basis in support of ITER and fusion reactors. This overview reports the latest progresses in HL-2A programs, including high performance scenarios for the study of advanced plasma physics, ELM control physics and...
The ADITYA Upgrade (ADITYA-U) is a medium sized (R0 = 75 cm, a= 25 cm) tokamak having toroidal graphite limiter, configured to attain shaped-plasma operations with an open divertor in single and double-null configurations [1]. The foremost objective of ADITYA-U is to prepare the physics and the technological base for future larger tokamaks by expanding the ADITYA-U operating space and by...
Experiments on ST40 towards burning plasma conditions
M. P. Gryaznevich for TE.Ltd team
Tokamak Energy Ltd, 173 Brook Drive, Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 4SD, UK
e-mail: mikhail.gryaznevich@tokamakenergy.co.uk
Spherical Tokamak (ST) path to Fusion has been proposed in R Stambaugh et al, Fus. Tech. 33 (1998) 1, and experiments on STs have already demonstrated feasibility of this approach....
Spherical tokamak (ST) research in Japan [1] is being conducted as a nationally coordinated program of university-scale ST devices under the ST Research Coordination Subcommittee organized by National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS). The roles of university ST research include: (1) unique and challenging research through creativity and innovation which might be considered too risky for...
The report provides an overview of the results obtained at the upgraded Globus-M2 spherical tokamak [1] since the last IAEA conference. The tokamak was designed to reach the toroidal magnetic field as high as BT =1 T and the plasma current Ip = 0.5 MA having a small plasma minor radius a = 0.22-0.23 m. Currently 80% of highest magnetic field and plasma current value are reached, so during the...
The mission of the spherical tokamak NSTX-U is to advance the physics basis and technical solutions required for optimizing the configuration of next-step tokamak fusion devices, and to advance the development of the ST concept towards a compact, low-cost Pilot Plant [1]. NSTX-U will operate at up to 2 MA and 1 T with up to 10 MW of Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) power for 5 seconds and 4 MW of...