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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

From theory to practice on physical security (the experience of GKTC)

Not scheduled
Paper CC: Role of Nuclear Security Support Centers to support and sustain national nuclear security regimes


Mr Sergiy Drapey (Institute for Nuclear Research)


GKTC is a part of the Ukrainian State System of training, retraining and advanced training of MPC&A specialists. During the years of activity GKTC has prepared and delivered about 300 national training courses on nuclear security. More than 4500 Ukrainian specialists of about 90 institutions and organizations of Ukraine have raised their level of skills at these training courses.
In 2012 an Exterior Training Site “Complex of Engineering and Technical Means of Physical Protection System” (ETS) with central and backup alarm stations and training classroom was created. ETS is a unique site in Ukraine where GKTC staff can create situations in real time that may occur at the facilities as a result of social and political nature events. ETS is very useful for Ukrainian specialists because such training cannot be conducted at operational nuclear facility without reducing the security level.
In 2018 “NPP with PPS Elements” Interactive complex was created. The use of this complex during the training will stimulate creative activity and analytical thinking of the course participants and allow them to acquire the skills they need to perform during guarding and protection of nuclear facilities.
GKTC creates two new laboratories:
1. Computer Security Laboratory.
This laboratory is created to solve the problems of providing computer security in the field of nuclear security of critical infrastructure facilities due to the growth of cyberthreats.
2. Radiation Control Laboratory.
This laboratory is created for personnel of National Guard of Ukraine to train them in the use of dosimetric instruments and radiometers.
Programs of all training courses include from 30 to 60 % of total training time for practical and laboratory exercises.

State Ukraine
Gender Male

Primary author

Mr Sergiy Drapey (Institute for Nuclear Research)


Mr Viktor Gavryliuk (Institute for Nuclear Research) Ms Olena Romanova (Institute for Nuclear Research) Ms Anna Havryliuk-Burakova (Institute for Nuclear Research)

Presentation materials