4:30 PM
Reconceptualising Nuclear Security as a Business Enabler: Opportunities and Challenges
Christopher Hobbs
(King's College London)
4:45 PM
Increasing Log-Access Security System Based On Face Recognition
Ahmed Solyman
(Radiation Engineering Department, National Center for Radiation Research and Technology, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo, P.O. 11787, Egypt)
5:00 PM
Evaluating Security Implications of the “Splinternet”
Lindsey Gerhrig
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
5:15 PM
Risks of the Spread of Drones to Nuclear Facilities and the Necessary Requirements to Mitigate their Potential Threats
Mohammed Allam
5:30 PM
Prioritizing Actions for Managing Cyber Security Risks
Debra Decker
(Stimson Center)
Kathryn Rauhut
(Stimson Center)
Mark Fabro
(Lofty Perch)
5:45 PM
Nuclear Facility Low Altitude Threat and Defense Technology
Zeyu Zhao
(State Nuclear Security Technology Center)
Xuan Guo
(China Nuclear Power Engineering Co)