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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Guidelines for INDICO Submission

Guidelines for Submission of Synopses to ICONS 2020

The technical programme of the conference will feature into three types of content. For all types of content, presenters must submit a synopsis of between 400 and 800 words in electronic format through the conference’s web browser-based file submission system (IAEA-INDICO) by 31 May 2019. Paper copies cannot be accepted. Synopses must not include images. Submissions that do not meet these requirements may not be accepted.

Types of Submissions

When submitting a synopses, please consider and indicate what type of presentation you would like to make. In a small number of cases, the Secretariat may advise that a synopsis is presented in a different format or modified to meet the requirements of the conference.

  • Presentation of Papers: Synopses must present original work, with a clear thesis and innovative findings. After acceptance, the submitter is expected to develop this synopsis into a full paper, following the requirements and template, by 29 November 2019. Submitters (or a chosen colleague) will then present full papers during the technical sessions of the conference, usually in a panel format. After the conference, all papers will be available in their entirety in the official conference proceedings.


  • Presentation of Posters: Synopses must present original work, but may provide an overview of a programme or project, or present an original thesis. After acceptance, the submitter is expected to develop the synopses into a poster, following upcoming requirements by 20 December 2019. Submitters (or a chosen colleague) are expected to print (in A0 size format) and bring their poster to the conference, where they will receive a poster stand and a scheduled presentation time. Poster presentations will have a dedicated session on each day of the conference. Synopses of the posters will be included in the conference proceedings, but full papers for the posters will not be accepted nor published.


  • Interactive Content Presentations (ICPs): An Interactive Content Presentation (ICP) is a PowerPoint presentation designed for touchscreens, combining the benefits of oral and poster presentations. ICPs allow authors to orally present their research to conference attendees and opens the opportunity to be interactive. Consult this presentation and conference guidelines for additional details. Synopses must present original work, but may provide an overview of a programme or project, or present an original thesis. After acceptance, submitters will be requested to develop an interactive presentation, following guidelines here, by 20 December 2019. ICPs will be presented on large touch screens, at daily intervals. The presentations will remain available after the end of each ICP session and will remain viewable for the rest of the conference, with the exception of when stations are allocated for ICP sessions. This enables audiences to view ICPs even if they missed the ICP session and for authors to discuss their research outside of their allocated ICP session. ICP synopses will appear in the conference proceedings, but full papers for ICPs will not be accepted nor published.



We request that all synopses cover a topic area as listed in the Appendix. In the selection process, please consider carefully whether your topic relates to Physical Protection, Material out of Regulatory Control or Cross-Cutting issues, and make sure to indicate this selection when submitting your paper on INDICO.

IMPORTANT: If your paper is related to cyber security in any way, please indicate this as the primary track.