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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Approach for Harmony of 3S (Safety, Security and Safeguards) in Japan

Not scheduled
Paper CC: Nuclear safety and security interfaces


Mr Hirotaka Oku (Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA))


In order to secure public safety with utilization of nuclear fuel material, etc., it's important to avoid mutual bad influence of 3S (safety, security and safeguards) as well as take appropriate measures.

About the harmony of the safety and the security, “INSAG-24 (The Interface between Safety and Security at Nuclear Power Plants)” (2010, IAEA) proposed the important point to integrate safety and security.
“Safety Culture Policy Statement” (2011, NRC) emphasized the importance of reconciling safety and security, and indicated characteristics of the comprehensive safety culture.
IAEA, etc. are considering the harmony of safety and security continually.

In the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit (2008), based on the situation that the number of country considered new installation and expansion of nuclear power generation are increasing, the agreement to make 3S the foundation to introduce nuclear power generation that was suggested by Japan was adopted as the international initiative.
In those days, in Japan, it was difficult to plan for the harmony of these regulation because plural government offices had jurisdiction over safety and security regulation separately.
But at the present time, Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA: established in September 2012) has jurisdiction over nuclear regulation including 3S unitarily.
NRA showed the code of conduct to make an effort toward the harmony of the measure of safety and security in the "NRA’s code of conduct for nuclear security culture” (January 2015) and “NRA’s declaration for nuclear safety culture” (May 2015).
Based on occurrence of following cases including mutual interference, NRA is working on harmony of 3S (not only safety and security, but also safeguards).
- The example that the measure for safety interfere with security is that the measure which the ground of the peripheral protected area is plastered by mortar for a fire protection connects in the state which tends to get over a barrier in the border of the peripheral protected area.
- Conversely, the example that the measure for security interfere with safety is that replacement of a door of the central control room for making sure of delayed performance has an influence on the shielding performance and earthquake resisting, etc. of the central control room.
- The example that the measure for safeguards interfere with safety is that the fire an inspection monitor has caused has an influence on safety in facilities.
- Conversely, the example that the measure for safety interfere with safeguards is that the aseismic reinforcing work in the facilities causes visual field defect of inspection monitor.
- On the other hand, the example that the measure for security interfere with safeguards is that licensee can’t give the photograph filmed by IAEA inspector because the PP information is included in this photograph.

While the interface of 2S (safety and security) is mainly considered internationally, the harmony of the 3S that NRA promotes is a characteristic approach.
For the harmony of the 3S, NRA is promoting the following approach.
- NRA made licensees recognize that licensee has the principal responsibility which plans for the harmony of the 3S and suggested correspondence to licensees.
- To make sure that the staff of safety section can treat PP information and the staffs of safety and security section cooperate efficiently in examination and inspection, the system for confirming personal reliability regarding NRA staff was introduced.
- When licensee submits authorization application about any one of 3S measure, the charge section of this application makes information sharing with other section of 3S and tries to exclude bad influence as much as possible.
- When an inspector notices about other measure among inspecting any one of 3S measure, the inspector informs the charge section of the noticed measure.
- By adding security cases into the emergency division of nuclear hazard, unifying the information communication system in emergency and participation of the staff of safety section to PP training, NRA planned for unification of safety and security in emergency correspondence.
- NRA carries out the combined training with all related organizations (prime minister's official residence, the police and the Maritime Safety Agency, etc.) as for PP training.
- NRA inspectors will take basic training in all fields as a compulsory subject without selecting safety and security.

State Japan
Gender Male

Primary author

Mr Hirotaka Oku (Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA))

Presentation materials