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10–14 Feb 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Safety and Security Interface: The Implementation on the Transport of Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Sources in Indonesia

Not scheduled
Paper CC: Nuclear safety and security interfaces


Mrs Evin Yuliati (Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency)


Safety and Security Interface: The Implementation on the Transport of Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Sources in Indonesia

E. Yuliati1, D.Sinaga1,
1 Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), Jakarta, Indonesia
E-mail address of main author:

Abstract. Indonesia is archipelago country with large area. The large use of radioactive materials in all over Indonesia needs serious attention on the safety and the security of the transport of these materials. Nuclear Energy Act No. 10 year 1997 article 27 mentions that the transport shall regard the safety of workers and public as well as the protection to environment. Particularly, government has issued Government Regulation (GR) No. 58 year 2015 on Radiation Safety and Security on the Transport of Radioactive Materials. In fact, there is interface between safety and security that needs adjustment in implementation of this regulation. The adjustment is based on potential threat that might arise. Therefore, there is a coordination of many institution involved before the transport. Indonesia has experiences in the transport of nuclear materials and radioactive sources. There are some cases of transport such as repatriation of spent fuel of research reactor, transport of imported nuclear material for research reactor fuel fabrication, and transport of radioactive sources from hospital to radioactive waste management facility. From those cases, it can be drawn lesson learnt on how to balance safety and security aspect in the transport of nuclear materials or radioactive sources.
Key Words: safety, security, interface, transport, radioactive source, nuclear material.

State Indonesia
Gender Female

Primary authors

Mrs Evin Yuliati (Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency) Ms Dahlia Sinaga (Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency)

Presentation materials