Todd E. Evans
15/10/2014, 14:00
We are pursuing a cross-benchmarking and validation initiative for tokamak 3D equilibrium calculations, with 11 codes participating: the linearized tokamak equilibrium codes IPEC and MARS-F, the time-dependent extended MHD codes M3D-C1, M3D, and NIMROD, the gyrokinetic code XGC, as well as the stellarator codes VMEC, NSTAB, PIES, HINT and SPEC. A full day of dedicated experiments on the DIII-D...
Geert Verdoolaege
(LPP-ERM/KMS and Ghent University)
15/10/2014, 14:00
In regression analyses for deriving scaling laws in the context of fusion studies, usually standard regression methods have been applied, of which ordinary least squares (OLS) is the most popular. However, concerns have been raised with respect to several assumptions underlying OLS in its application to fusion data. We present a new regression method that allows arbitrary distribution models...
(Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University)
15/10/2014, 14:00
With careful control of a short pulse high-intensity gas fueling (HIGP) scenario in a novel magnetic configuration with a lower toroidicity in Heliotron J, high-density (n_e ~ 10^20 m^-3) NBI plasma is realized with an improved confinement mode in the edge. A condition of low neutral density attained by the fueling cut-off after HIGP and suppression of the edge turbulence opens a new...
Gerald Navratil
(Columbia University)
15/10/2014, 14:00
We report high-resolution detection of the time-evolving, three-dimensional (3D) magnetic structure of wall-stabilized tokamak discharges in the HBT-EP device[1]. The time-evolution of unstable and saturated wall-stabilized external kink modes are studied in detail with and without applying magnetic perturbations with non-axisymmetric control coils[2,3]. Naturally occuring external kinks are...
Yoshihiko NUNOYA
(Japan Atomic Enegry Agency)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been manufacturing superconductors for ITER Toroidal Filed (TF) coils and Center Solenoid (CS). Since CS will be operated in the pulse mode, development of conductor that has stable performance against cyclic electromagnetic force was necessary. Conductor with shorter twist pitch cable to yield higher cable stiffness was successfully developed and no...
Matthew John Hole
(Australian National University)
15/10/2014, 14:00
The purpose of this topical review [1] is to present the state of the art in diagnosis, interpretation and modelling of waves, particles and the magnetic configuration in fusion plasmas. A focus of the review, detailed in this abstract, is the physics and validation of magnetic configuration, which underpins all confinement, stability and transport physics.
As the effect of fast particles...
Ronald Wenninger
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
15/10/2014, 14:00
In the European Fusion Roadmap ITER is followed by a Demonstration Fusion Power Reactor (DEMO), for which a conceptual design is now under development. The relevant physics knowledge need for the concept design analysis – referred to as DEMO Physics Basis – is incomplete. This contribution reports first results of a coherent effort to develop the DEMO Physics Basis, carried out by European...
Marco Martinez
15/10/2014, 14:00
During ECR heating microwave power is coupled to the electrons whereas ions are only heated through, usually weak, collisional coupling because of the cut-off density limitation. However, contrary to what is expected, significant suprathermal ions have been observed in TJ-II ECRH plasmas by either spectrometry of H_alpha emission [1] and by means of a luminescent probe capable of detecting...
Jiming Chen
(Southwestern Institute of Physics)
15/10/2014, 14:00
To withstand a surface heat load up to 4.7MW/m2 in a life time of 16000 cycles, the enhanced heat flux (EHF) ITER FW panel uses a hypervapotron (HVT) CuCrZr/316L(N) cooling channel and small Beryllium tiles. R&Ds have been carried out in China on manufacturing and testing of EHF FW mock-ups towards the final provision of series FW products for ITER. A hot iso-static pressing (HIP) technology...
Alvaro Garcia Carrasco
(Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Windows and first mirrors are essential plasma-facing components in all optical spectroscopy and imaging systems used for plasma diagnosis in a reactor-class machine. To recognize the extent of changes in the mirror performance a thorough First Mirror Test (FMT) has been carried out at the JET tokamak. The major goal is to assess the optical performance, and – by surface analyses – to...
Jon Hillesheim
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Microtearing modes (MTMs) have been predicted to be unstable at the top of the H-mode pedestal in MAST plasmas [1], playing a role in determining pedestal transport between Edge Localized Modes (ELMs), and therefore of pedestal structure and ELM stability. This is a deepening of the understanding embodied by the widely applied model EPED [2], which relies only on Kinetic Ballooning Mode (KBM)...
Sa-Woong Kim
(National Fusion Research Institute)
15/10/2014, 14:00
The main function of the ITER blanket shield block (SB) is to provide nuclear shielding and support the first wall (FW) panel. It is required to accommodate all the components located on the vacuum vessel (in particular the in-vessel coils, blanket manifolds and the diagnostics). The conceptual, preliminary and final design reviews (FDR) have been completed in the framework of Blanket...
Wooho Chung
(National Fusion Research Institute)
15/10/2014, 14:00
ITER Thermal Shield (TS) plays the role of reducing the heat load transferred by thermal radiation and conduction from warm components to the magnet structures that operate at 4.5 K. Thermal radiation to the magnet structures is minimized by cooling the TS at 80 K helium temperature and by providing the TS surfaces with low emissivity using silver coating.
Korea Domestic Agency (KODA) has...
Valery Belyakov
(Efremov Institute)
15/10/2014, 14:00
A vital part of the commissioning and testing plasma scenarios of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is predictive simulations for the overall behaviour during operation. Due to the complexity of the facility and severe constraints related to its cost-efficiency and reliability, a particular attention should be paid to ensure required performance. The use of dynamic...
Yohji Seki
15/10/2014, 14:00
Through R&D for a plasma facing unit (PFU) of a full-tungsten (W) ITER divertor, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) succeeded in demonstrating the durability of the W divertor which endured a repetitive heat load of 20 MW per sqare meter without macroscopic cracks of all W armors. At the beginning of this activity, the bonding technology armor to heat sink was one of the most important key...
So Maruyama
(ITER Organization)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Disruptions present a challenge for ITER to withstand the intense heat flux, the large forces from halo currents, and the potential first wall damage from multi-MeV runaway electrons. Injecting large quantities of material into the plasma when a disruption is detected will reduce the plasma energy and increase its resistivity and electron density to mitigate these effects and thus a system...
Charlotta Gustafsson
15/10/2014, 14:00
The ITER In-Vessel design includes coolant water interfaces with the copper alloy CuCrZr exposed to high water velocities. For reasons of structural integrity, the formation of activated corrosion products as well as the need for water purification, it is important to assess the erosion corrosion susceptibility of CuCrZr. In ITER, the materials will be subjected to different water chemistry...
Inessa Bolshakova
(Lviv Polytechnic National University)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Radiation resistant sensors and magnetic measuring instrumentation have been designed and its performance in the conditions of fusion reactors have been demonstrated, by the international research collaboration between researchers from different countries supported by STCU (Science and Technology Center in Ukraine) projects and funded from the EU, USA, Japan and Canada.
(Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Energetic-ion-driven MHD instabilities such as Alfven eigenmodes (AEs) and energetic particle modes (EPMs) have been studied in NBI-heated Heliotron J plasmas. We clarified the characteristics of the observed EPMs such as mode structure and observation region. We demonstrated that EPMs could be controlled by means of both positive and negative magnetic shear induced by electron cyclotron (EC)...
Shahid Hussain
(National Tokamak Fusion Program (NTFP) P O Box 3329, Pakistan)
15/10/2014, 14:00
GLAST is a small spherical tokamak having vacuum vessel of dielectric material (Pyrex glass) with aspect ratio of 1.67, BT=0.4 Tesla and discharge time=10ms. This device is indigenously developed in Pakistan and is designed to study the breakdown avalanche, plasma startup and current formation using inductive and non-inductive processes in the presence of dielectric walls of the vessel having...
Robert Pinsker
15/10/2014, 14:00
Because fast waves in the ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) have been used successfully to sustain and control the plasma performance, they will play an important role in the ITER experiment. Recent experimental studies of high harmonic fast wave (HHFW) heating on the National Spherical Torus eXperiment (NSTX) have shown that substantial HHFW power loss (up to 60% of the coupled HHFW...
norikiyo koizumi
15/10/2014, 14:00
A heat-treated Nb3Sn cable-in-conduit conductor (CICC) must be inserted into a groove of a radial plate (RP), which is designed to maintain the mechanical and electrical reliability of the insulation of ITER Toroidal Field (TF) coil during its 20 years’ operation. The difference between heat-treated conductor length and RP groove length must be controlled with accuracy of +/-0.05%. JAEA...
Dmitry Gin
(Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Gamma-ray Spectrometer (GRS) is as a part of the diagnostic system built around neutral particle analyzer (NPA). Viewing the same plasma area in the equatorial plane as the rest components of the system, GRS can significantly improve its diagnostic abilities.
Line integrated diagnostic of gamma-ray emission over this area can support NPA data on the following key ITER measurements...
Oleksiy Mishchenko
15/10/2014, 14:00
We give an overview of recent developments in electromagnetic simulations based on the gyrokinetic particle-in-cell codes GYGLES and EUTERPE. The code GYGLES is a linear global (full radius, full flux surface) gyrokinetic particle-in-cell code that is able to simulate up to three kinetic species (ions, electrons, fast ions). It solves the field equations for the electrostatic and parallel...
Ihor Holod
(University of California Irvine)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Plasma confinement and stability can be significantly affected by large scale electromagnetic processes, while the last ones can be triggered by microscopic wave-particle interactions. Thus non-perturbative treatment of kinetic effects is needed for fully self-consistent description of tokamak plasmas. In this work we present recent progress in gyrokinetic simulation of electromagnetic...
Vladimir Rozov
(ITER Organization)
15/10/2014, 14:00
A necessity to address a wide spectrum of engineering problems in ITER determined the need of efficient tools for modeling of the magnetic environment and force interactions between main components of the magnet system. The assessment of the operating window for the machine, determined by the electro-magnetic (EM) forces, and the check of feasibility of particular scenarios play an important...
James Harrison
15/10/2014, 14:00
Diagnostics imaging spectral line emission at visible wavelengths are widely used in the fusion community to gather a wealth of information about plasma conditions and transport processes particularly in the cooler regions of the scrape-off layer (SOL). Visible imaging diagnostics have been used extensively on MAST to diagnose the plasma boundary as the open vacuum vessel and divertor design...
Álvaro Cappa
(Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión. CIEMAT)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Controlling the amplitude of Alfvén Eigenmodes (AE) in fusion plasmas is an open issue with paramount relevance for ITER and beyond, because the fast-ion losses associated to these modes might be deleterious for plasma performance as well as destructive for the plasma facing components. Experiments in TJ-II have demonstrated a clear effect of the ECRH application on the NBI driven AE activity....
Jon Hillesheim
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Abingdon, UK)
15/10/2014, 14:00
In support of our goal to develop a predictive capability for turbulent transport close to threshold, a 2D BES diagnostic has been used to study the structure and dynamics of the ion-scale turbulence in MAST. Our previous work has shown this turbulence to be critically balanced, i.e. exhibiting a balance of linear timescales. Here, this work is extended to study the influence of flow shear on...
Irena Ivanova-Stanik
(Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion)
15/10/2014, 14:00
One of the most challenging issues of fusion research is the development of DEMO scenario which satisfy simultaneously the requirement of sufficiently high power amplification with the needs for sustainable power exhaust. Independently of the plasma facing materials in DEMO impurity seeding seems to be an unavoidable element of operation to protect the divertor from excessive heat loads.
Sergei Sharapov
15/10/2014, 14:00
A systematic and significant recent effort in diagnosing energetic ion driven instabilities and related transport of the energetic ions on MAST is setting a stage for new understanding of such instabilities relevant to the next-step burning plasma experiment. The fast ion-driven Alfvenic instabilities are detected on MAST in the frequency range up to ~5 MHz with magnetic coils and with Doppler...
clarisse bourdelle
(CEA, IRFM, F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France.)
15/10/2014, 14:00
On a global scale, the L to H mode transition happens above a critical power threshold. On a local scale, a critical temperature threshold (T_th) is often reported to characterize the transition. The parametric dependencies of this local criterion are easier to be compared to theoretical approaches based on local mechanisms. Such a comparison is presented here.
The L to H mode transition is...
Peter Bagryansky
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Axially symmetric magnetic mirror device, Gas-Dynamic Trap (GDT, Budker Institute, Novosibirsk) has recently demonstrated a tangible increase of the electron temperature with application of ECR heating. According to Thomson scattering data, the electron temperature exceeding 0.4 keV has been achieved thus demonstrating twofold increase. Additionally to standard device operation with 5 MW...
Teresa Estrada
15/10/2014, 14:00
The spatiotemporal evolution of the interaction between turbulence and flows has been studied close to the L-H transition threshold conditions in the edge of TJ-II plasmas. As in other devices the temporal dynamics of the interaction displays limit cycle oscillations (LCO) with a characteristic predator-prey relationship between flows and turbulence. Recently, some controversial results arise:...
Hee-Jae AHN
15/10/2014, 14:00
The ITER Vacuum Vessel (VV) is a torus shaped double wall structure and consists of nine sectors and several ports. Main functions of the VV are to provide high vacuum for plasma operation and to protect radioactive contamination as the first safety barrier. Korea Domestic Agency (KODA) has responsibility for procuring of two sectors including the first sector which will be delivered before...
Debasis Chandra
(Institute For Plasma Research, INDIA)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) can severely degrade plasma confinement and thus prevent the achievement of high values of in ITER. Recent experimental observations from some tokamaks indicate that equilibrium sheared-toroidal flows have a beneficial influence on NTMs: thus, an increase in the equilibrium flow [with shear] leads to an increase of the NTM excitation threshold and also...
Arkady Serikov
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
15/10/2014, 14:00
The radiation shielding performance of two diagnostic port plugs of ITER, Equatorial and Upper Port Plugs (EPP and UPP) has been evaluated resulting in several proposals for shielding design improvements. These improvements were based on the comprehensive optimization of the shielding variants obtained with parametric analyses of the geometry and material composition of the port structures....
Masayoshi Nagata
(University of Hyogo)
15/10/2014, 14:00
An advantage of the Spherical Torus (ST) is the low aspect ratio and so elimination of a central solenoid coil is required for attractive high-beta fusion reactors based on the ST concept. Thus alternate methods for the plasma start-up that do not rely on the central solenoid are necessary for the viability of the ST concept. The non-inductive current drive by the CHI had been demonstrated for...
Anuar Sadykov
(Institute of atomic energy of National nuclear centre of Republic of Kazakhstan)
15/10/2014, 14:00
The description of the code TOKSCEN (TOKamak SCENario) for modeling of plasma evolution will be presented in the report. The modeling bases on numerical solving of Grad-Shafranov equation of plasma equilibrium and circuit equations for eddy currents for every time step.
Circuit equations for eddy currents are solved in matrix form using technique of matrix inversion. Plasma current...
Shizuo Inoue
(Univ. Tokyo)
15/10/2014, 14:00
The high-power reconnection heating has been studied in TS-3, TS-4 and MAST merging spherical tokamak (ST) experiments as a promising solenoid (CS)-free startup with significant heating. The magnetic reconnection plays an important role to ramp-up high temperature ST plasmas, which converts magnetic energies to plasma kinetic energies, increasing poloidal beta value of produced main plasma. An...
Shinsuke OHSHIMA
(Kyoto University)
15/10/2014, 14:00
An electric field fluctuation with radially elongated structure is found inside the last closed flux surface (LCFS) in a medium sized helical device, Heliotron J. The experiment is conducted in low-density ECH plasma discharges with line averaged density ne ~ 0.3×10^19 m and the edge plasma parameters of T_e ~ 50 eV and n_e ~ 0.4×10^18 m^-3 at LCFS. Multiple Langmuir probes installed at...
Yi Yu
(University of Science and Technology)
15/10/2014, 14:00
In this paper, we extend the indirect approach using Instantaneous Frequency Method (IFM) on the density fluctuations measured by the CO2 laser collective scattering diagnostics in HT-7 tokamak to estimate the velocities of plasma poloidal rotation. The error analysis shows that the estimated poloidal rotation velocities are very reliable with high signal-to-noise ratio. A coherent mode is...
Yasunori Kawano
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
15/10/2014, 14:00
In this paper, highlighted progress of the Topical Group activity is overviewed. International Tokamak Physics Activity (ITPA) Topical Group on Diagnostics has been conducting the R&D activities for supporting the optimization of ITER diagnostic performance. For diagnostics of escaping α particles, assessment of several measurement techniques have been carried out, especially, feasibility...
Anna Encheva
(ITER Organization)
15/10/2014, 14:00
ITER is incorporating two types of In-Vessel Coils (IVCs): ELM Coils to mitigate Edge Localized Modes and VS Coils to provide Vertical Stabilization of the plasma. Strong coupling with the plasma is required in order that the ELM and VS Coils can meet their performance requirements. Accordingly, the IVCs are mounted on the Vacuum Vessel (VV) inner wall, in close proximity to the plasma, just...
Shinji Kobayashi
(IAE, Kyoto Univ.)
15/10/2014, 14:00
This paper describes the parallel flow dynamics experimentally obtained in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J and its comparison with neoclassical transport analysis. In this study, two magnetic configurations with different magnetic ripple strength (gamma), core gamma of 0.031 m^-1 for the standard and 0.073 m^-1 for the high ripple configurations, have been adopted to investigate the effect of gamma...
Martin Valovic
(CCFE, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OX14 3DB, UK)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Pellet fuelling is studied using top-high field side pellet injection into NBI heated H-mode plasmas, in both single and double null configurations. ELMs are mitigated by external magnetic perturbation coils (RMPs). Pellet-triggered Thomson scattering, visible bremsstrahlung imaging, fibrescope combined with a fast camera and BES diagnostics are used to study various aspects of pellet fuelling...
Yingqiao Wang
(Southwestern Insitute of Physics)
15/10/2014, 14:00
A DC Glow Discharge Cleaning (GDC) system is designed for ITER. The procurement arrangement of GDC was signed between ITER Organization and China Domestic Agency at the end of 2013. However, some critical engineering issues still need to be solved, such as gap insulation and shielding, ceramic spray on U-shape cooling pipe, design of cooling channel inside electrodes, structure, thermal,...
Carlo Sborchia
(ITER Organization)
15/10/2014, 14:00
ITER is a large experimental tokamak device being built to demonstrate the feasibility of fusion power. The main scope of this paper is to report the status of the design and manufacturing activities of two major ITER components, the ITER Vacuum Vessel (VV) and the Cryostat. Both components will provide the necessary high-vacuum required in the case of the VV for plasma operation and...
Brian Victor
(University of Washington)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Increasing the Imposed Dynamo Current Drive (IDCD) frequency up to 68.5 kHz on the HIT-SI experiment produced, for the first time, sustained spheromaks with high-pressure confinement (beta > the MHD beta limit). Equilibrium profiles of the driven spheromak are stable to the n = 1 kink instability. The injectors drive the edge of the plasma to a high lambda (= mu_0 j/B) with a low lambda region...
Liqun Hu
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
15/10/2014, 14:00
The Radial X-ray Camera (RXC) is designed to measure the poloidal profile of the plasma x-ray emission with high spatial and temporal resolution. The primary role of the RXC diagnostic is to measure low (m,n) MHD modes, sawteeth, lock modes, disruption precursors and L-H transition indicators. RXC also provides supplementary measurements of plasma position, radiative power, runaway electrons,...
Roberto Paccagnella
(Consorzio RFX and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR))
15/10/2014, 14:00
In this paper numerical simulations of tokamak disruptions in the framework of 3D single fluid visco-resistive magneto-hydro-dynamics (MHD) in full toroidal geometry are presented. The progresses achieved in the last few years by employing the M3D code will be summarized and reviewed. Similarities and differences between simulations and the experimental behavior in existing devices will be...
Leon Begrambekov
(National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI))
15/10/2014, 14:00
Tungsten is considered as the plasma facing material of the ITER divertor. High power density plasma irradiation of tungsten initiates the number of processes (see for instance [1, 2]) resulting in its accelerated destruction. Application of the in situ renewable protecting boron carbide (B4C) coating was shown can keep tungsten tiles from plasma irradiation, and by this means prevent...
Nobukazu Takeda
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
15/10/2014, 14:00
In the ITER, the blanket must be replaced remotely for maintenance because of high radiation field. This study demonstrated two of three steps of blanket positioning process, a Virtual Reality (VR) system and final positioning because the other step, a robot vision system has been demonstrated in the previous study. Regarding the VR system, positioning accuracy of 46.7 mm was achieved....
Olivier Agullo
(Aix-Marseille Université)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Nonlinear 3D simulations are performed. A RMHD model describing the simultaneous evolution of the interchange turbulence and the tearing instability is used. We show that, through nonlinear generation of radially extended modes, turbulence generated at the plasma edge can lead to the formation of seed islands in the vicinity of the $q=2$ surface. The special role of the zonal flow in that...
Vitaly Vysotsky
(Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Russian Federation is the initiator and active participant in development and building of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor – ITER. The major element of ITER is its huge superconducting magnet. Special superconducting cables and conductors had to be developed to satisfy very strict demands for such conductors. A lot of Research and Development (R&D) works have been performed in...
Per Brunsell
(KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Experimental methods for resistive wall modes studies utilizing external magnetic perturbations have been developed in the reversed field pinch experiment EXTRAP T2R. This work describes experimental techniques that employ external magnetic perturbations to estimate the resistive wall magnetic diffusion times for non-axisymmetric fields, to asses the machine error field and to extract...
Alexey Razdobarin
(Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Plasma cleaning is considered as a most promising method for in-situ recovery the surface of diagnostic mirrors installed inside ITER vacuum chamber. The engineering and physical aspects of plasma cleaning technique, being developed for Thomson scattering system in the divertor, is presented with the focus on general issues common for all optical diagnostics in ITER.
The parameters of...
Alexander Livshits
(Bonch-Bruevich University)
15/10/2014, 14:00
FNS - Fusion Nuclear Physics and Technology
Due to severe limitations on the content of He in the plasma, the exhaust of nuclear fusion reactor will mainly consist of unburned fuel, including expensive and radioactive tritium. If all this exhaust mixture is directed to the tritium plant for its separation from helium and other impurities (as planned in ITER), this leads to a significant tritium inventory in the vacuum pumps and...
Francisco Castejón
15/10/2014, 14:00
Stable plasmas in Mercier unstable magnetic configurations are obtained in TJ-II, which is unexpected according to the MHD stability theory. The most feasible explanation is that the plasma tends to self-organize in the unstable regions avoiding the instabilities. This result is relevant for new stellarator design, since the magnetic well is strongly related to the plasma shape, created by...
Aleksandr Burdakov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
15/10/2014, 14:00
The GOL-3 Multiple Mirror Trap is an 11-m-long solenoid with an axially-periodical (corrugated) magnetic field. In the basic operation regime, the solenoid consists of 52 magnetic corrugation cells with Bmax/Bmin = 4.8/3.2 T. Deuterium plasma of 1020÷1022 m-3 density is heated up to ~ 2 keV ion temperatures (at ~1021 m-3 density and τE~1 ms) by a high power relativistic electron beam. The new...
Alexey Labusov
(JSC ""NIIEFA", st. Petersburg)
15/10/2014, 14:00
The ITER Coil Power Supply and Distribution System (CPSS) serves for operation of the ITER tokamak magnet system. The CPSS is the complex system which consists of electrical equipment of different purpose and the busbar system used for electrical connection between this equipment and the coils of the magnet system. In accordance with the Procurement Arrangement the Russian Federation is...
Boyd Blackwell
(Australian National University)
15/10/2014, 14:00
The H-1 flexible heliac with its wide range of magnetic configurations is an ideal device for studying instabilities in the low to mid Alfvenic range – low to hundreds of kHz, in H/He RF-produced plasma around 0.5T. More than 80 magnetic probes in three arrays, and several optical imaging diagnostics provide data on poloidal, helical and radial mode structures. Sensitive multi channel...
Andrey Litnovsky
(Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Mirrors will be used in optical diagnostic systems of ITER to guide the light from plasma towards detectors and cameras. In the severe particle and radiation environment, the mirrors will be subjected to the erosion due to fast particles and to deposition of impurities from the plasma. These processes affect adversely the mirror reflectivity and therefore must be suppressed or mitigated at the...
Bernardo Zurro
(Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, CIEMAT)
15/10/2014, 14:00
Impurity confinement time has been studied as a function of charge and mass of the impurity ions by using laser blow-off injection of trace impurities into electron cyclotron heated discharges of the TJ-II heliac. Impurities ranging from low-Z (LiF) to high-Z (W) are injected. The experiment has been carried out at constant density (5x10^19 m^-3), injected power (500 kW) and magnetic...
Konstantin Dyabilin
(NRC Kurchatov Institute)
15/10/2014, 14:00
The phenomenon of a pressure profiles self-consistency in tokamak plasmas is interpreted in the framework of a “thermodynamic” approach, used successfully in complex non-equilibrium systems studies. Plasma is considered as the self-organized system and self-consistent solutions correspond to the minimum of the free energy. The solutions for the self-consistent pressure profiles are in...
Italo Ricapito
(Fusion for Energy)
15/10/2014, 14:00
The European TBM Programme will generate experimental data for development and validation of tritium transport simulation tools which are essential for predicting the tritium processing performance of a breeding blanket in DEMO or power reactor. In this ambit, two European TBS (Test Blanket Systems)will be tested in ITER under a wide range of operative conditions and neutron irradiation...
15/10/2014, 14:00
We present a theory of turbulent elasticity---a novel property of drift wave-zonal flow (DW-ZF) turbulence---which follows from the time delay in the response of DWs to ZF. In this work, we: (1) predict and calculate a generic time delay (i.e., a new time scale!) from dynamical first principle; (2) predict zonal shearing wave pattern, in contrast to the dipolar shear layers commonly assumed;...
Samuli Saarelma
15/10/2014, 14:00
The global plasma confinement in H-mode is connected with the pedestal performance making it essential to understand the pedestal dynamics. Recent experiments in MAST combined with modelling have given us insight on the processes governing the pedestal.
A growing mode (n=40, radial extent of 2 cm) rotating in the counter direction is observed using Beam Emission Spectroscopy (BES) in MAST...