1Hz Pellets Injection and Laser Synchronous System for Continuous Laser Confinement Fusion and Neutron Generation (in session "Poster 6")
3D Effects of Edge Magnetic Field Configuration on Divertor/SOL Transport and Optimization Possibilities for a Future Reactor (in session "Overview 4")
3D Effects of Edge Magnetic Field Configuration on Divertor/SOL Transport and Optimization Possibilities for a Future Reactor (in session "Overview Posters")
3D Plasma Response to Resonant External Magnetic Perturbation and its Impact on Fast Ion Confinement in JT-60SA Plasmas (in session "Poster 7")
1000 Times Enhancement of Fusion Reaction in Relation to Fast-Ion Heating Induced by a Direct-Irradiating Fast-Ignition Scheme (in session "Poster 6")
(N)TM Onset by Central EC Power Deposition in FTU and TCV Tokamaks (in session "Poster 2")
A 3D Nonlinear Simulation Study of the L→H Transition Criterion (in session "Poster 8")
A 3D Nonlinear Simulation Study of the L→H Transition Criterion (in session "Edge Turbulence")
A Cross-Benchmarking and Validation Initiative for Tokamak 3D Equilibrium Calculations (in session "Poster 4")
A Flute Instability under the ExB Shear Flow in an Open System (in session "Poster 1")
A High-Energy and Highly Repetitive fs/ps Laser Using Optical Parametric Chirped-Pulse Amplification with a ns Beam Combined Pumping Laser for Fast Ignition (in session "Inertial Fusion Experiments & Theory")
A High-Energy and Highly Repetitive fs/ps Laser Using Optical Parametric Chirped-Pulse Amplification with a ns Beam Combined Pumping Laser for Fast Ignition (in session "Poster 6")
A Long-Pulse H-Mode Regime with a New Coherent Mode Providing Continuous Transport across Pedestal in EAST (in session "Poster 7")
A Long-Pulse H-Mode Regime with a New Coherent Mode Providing Continuous Transport across Pedestal in EAST (in session "Operational Scenarios")
A New Methodology for Scaling Laws with Arbitrary Error Distributions: Case Study for the H-Mode Power Threshold (in session "Poster 4")
A New Operation Regime for High-Density Plasma in Heliotron J (in session "Poster 4")
A New Theory of Scale Selection: What Determines the Avalanche Scale? (in session "Poster 7")
A Reduced Model of ELM Mitigation by SMBI and Pellet Injection (in session "Poster 2")
A Study of Core Thomson Scattering Measurements in ITER Using a Multi-Laser Approach (in session "Poster 5")
A Systematic Approach to the Linear-Stability Assessment of Alfvén Eigenmodes in the Presence of Fusion-Born Alpha Particles for ITER-like Equilibria (in session "Poster 3")
Abrupt Reversal of Convective Flow of Carbon Impurity during Impurity-Hole Formation on LHD (in session "Poster 6")
Accurate Estimation of Tearing Mode Stability Parameters in the KSTAR Using High-Resolution 2-D ECEI Diagnostic (in session "Poster 8")
Achieving Steady-State Conditions in High-Beta Hybrid Scenario in DIII-D (in session "Poster 2")
Active and Passive Experiments to Control the Helical Boundary of Wall-Stabilized Tokamak Plasma (in session "Poster 4")
Advance in Japanese Superconductor for ITER (in session "Poster 4")
Advance of H-Mode Physics for Long-Pulse Operation on EAST (in session "Overview 3")
Advance of H-Mode Physics for Long-Pulse Operation on EAST (in session "Overview Posters")
Advanced Computational Approaches and Tools for High-Fidelity Nuclear Analyses of Fusion Facilities (in session "Poster 7")
Advanced Divertor Analysis of HL-2M (in session "Poster 5")
Advanced Equilibrium Models for Anisotropy, Flow and Chaotic Fields (in session "Poster 4")
Advanced Structural Analysis of Wendelstein 7-X Magnet System Weight Supports (in session "Poster 8")
Advances in Modeling of Nonlinear Effects in LHCD Experiments (in session "Poster 5")
Advances in Stellarator Gyrokinetics (in session "Poster 5")
Advances in Stellarator Gyrokinetics (in session "Core Turbulence")
Advances in the Physics Basis for the European DEMO Design (in session "Poster 4")
Advancing Power Exhaust Studies from Present to Future Tokamak Devices (in session "Poster 3")
Advancing the Physics Basis of Quiescent H-Mode Through Exploration of ITER Relevant High Density Operation (in session "Poster 2")
ADX: a High Field, High Power Density, Advanced Divertor Test Facility (in session "Poster 7")
Alcator C-Mod: Research in Support of ITER and Steps Beyond (in session "Overview 2")
Alcator C-Mod: Research in Support of ITER and Steps Beyond (in session "Overview Posters")
Alfven Eigenmodes Can Limit Access to High Fusion Gain, Steady-State Tokamak Operation (in session "Poster 7")
Alfven Eigenmodes Can Limit Access to High Fusion Gain, Steady-State Tokamak Operation (in session "Energetic Particles Physics")
Alfven Oscillations in the TUMAN-3M Tokamak Ohmic Regime (in session "Poster 6")
Alfvén Eigenmode Evolution in ITER Steady-State Scenario (in session "Poster 3")
An ITPA Joint Experiment to Study Runaway Electron Generation and Suppression (in session "Runaway, Disruption & RF Physics")
An ITPA Joint Experiment to Study Runaway Electron Generation and Suppression (in session "Poster 7")
An Overview of Erosion-Deposition Pattern in JET with ITER-like Wall (in session "Poster 5")
Analysis of Accident Scenarios of a Water-Cooled Tokamak DEMO (in session "Poster 5")
Analysis of Ion Energy Spectrum and Spikes in ECRH TJ-II Plasmas, with Fixed and Variable Magnetic Configuration (in session "Poster 4")
Analysis of ITB and ETB Formations in Tokamak Plasma Using Bifurcation Concept (in session "Poster 6")
Analysis of Plasma Behavior in the Localized Non-Axisymmetric B Region of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror (in session "Poster 1")
Analysis of Radial Electric Field Formation by Asymmetry of Neutral Beam Injection on KSTAR and NSTX Based on the Gyro-Center Shift (in session "Poster 6")
Analysis of Tritium in Divertor Materials (in session "Poster 5")
Anodic Polarization Study on F82H Steel in Tritiated Water (in session "Poster 7")
Applying the Radiating Divertor Approach to Innovative Tokamak Divertor Concepts (in session "Poster 2")
Assessment of Operational Space for Long-Pulse Scenarios in ITER (in session "Poster 3")
Assessment of Scrape-off Layer Simulations with Drifts against L-Mode Experiments in ASDEX Upgrade and JET (in session "Poster 5")
Assessment of Scrape-off Layer Simulations with Drifts against L-Mode Experiments in ASDEX Upgrade and JET (in session "Divertor & SOL Physics")
Asymmetry Current in ICRF Heating ITER Plasmas (in session "Poster 3")
Attainment of High Electron Poloidal Beta in Axisymmetric State and Two Routes to Self-Organized Helical State in Low-Aspect-Ratio RFP (in session "Poster 3")
Availability Considerations in the Design of K-DEMO (in session "Poster 7")
Avoidance of Tearing Mode Locking and Disruption with Electro-Magnetic Torque Introduced by Feedback-Based Mode Rotation Control in DIII-D and RFX-Mod (in session "Poster 2")
Basic Investigations of Turbulence and Interactions with Plasma and Suprathermal Ions in the TORPEX Device with Open and Closed Field Lines (in session "Poster 3")
Bayesian Derivation of Plasma Equilibrium Distribution Function for Tokamak Scenarios (in session "Poster 7")
Behaviors of ITER EHF FW under High Heat Flux for Mock-ups Manufactured by HIP Joining Technology (in session "Poster 4")
Beryllium Migration in JET ITER-like Wall Plasmas (in session "Poster 5")
Burning Plasma Relevant Control Development: Advanced Magnetic Divertor Configurations, Divertor Detachment and Burn Control (in session "Divertor & Exhaust Physics")
Burning Plasma Relevant Control Development: Advanced Magnetic Divertor Configurations, Divertor Detachment and Burn Control (in session "Poster 8")
Calculation of Magnetic Field Perturbation Using Saddle Coils and Helical Windings Based on IR-T1 Tokamak (in session "Poster 7")
Can Gyrokinetics Really Describe Transport in L-Mode Core Plasmas? (in session "Poster 2")
Change of the Momentum Profiles Driven by the Sawtooth Crashes and its Effect on the LH Transition in KSTAR (in session "Poster 8")
Characteristics of MHD Instabilities Limiting Beta Value in LHD (in session "Poster 6")
Characterization and Nonlinear Interaction of Shear Alfvén Waves in the Presence of Strong Tearing Modes in Tokamak Plasmas (in session "Poster 7")
Cherenkov Emission Provides Detailed Picture of Non-Thermal Electron Dynamics in the Presence of Magnetic Islands (in session "Poster 2")
Chirping Alfvén Eigenmodes Drive Convective and Diffusive Transport (in session "Poster 7")
Closing (in session "Summary")
Combined Magnetic and Kinetic Control of Advanced Tokamak Steady State Scenarios based on Semi-Empirical Modeling (in session "Poster 5")
Comparative Studies of Edge Magnetic Islands and Stochastic Layers in DIII-D and LHD (in session "3D Physics")
Comparative Studies of Edge Magnetic Islands and Stochastic Layers in DIII-D and LHD (in session "Poster 3")
Comparative Study of High Triangularity H-Mode Plasma Performance in JET with Be/W Wall and CFC Wall (in session "Poster 5")
Comparison of ELM-Filament Mitigation between Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection and Pellet Injection in the HL-2A Tokamak (in session "Poster 7")
Comparison of H-Mode Plasmas in JET-ILW and JET-C with and without Nitrogen Seeding (in session "Poster 5")
Compatibility of High Performance Operation with JET ILW (in session "Poster 7")
Compatibility of High Performance Operation with JET ILW (in session "Operational Scenarios")
Compatibility of Internal Transport Barrier with Steady-State Operation in the High Bootstrap Fraction Regime on DIII-D (in session "Poster 2")
Comprehensive First Mirror Test for ITER at JET with ITER-like Wall (in session "Poster 4")
Comprehensive Understandings of Energy Confinement in LHD Plasmas through Extensive Application of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite (in session "Poster 6")
Computation of Resistive Instabilities in Tokamaks with Full Toroidal Geometry and Coupling Using DCON (in session "Poster 1")
Computational Study of Defects in Fusion Materials Containing Helium (in session "Poster 7")
Computational Study of Magnetic Field Compression by Laser Driven Implosion (in session "Poster 6")
Concept of Fuel Cycle for a Fusion Neutron Source (in session "Poster 7")
Conception of a Cryogenic Target Factory for IFE (in session "Inertial Fusion Experiments & Theory")
Conception of a Cryogenic Target Factory for IFE (in session "Poster 6")
Conceptual Design of High Resolution and Reliable Density Measurement System on Helical Reactor FFHR-d1 and Demonstration on LHD (in session "Poster 8")
Conceptual Design of kilo-Joule Laser Driver for Inertial Fusion Mini-Reactor CANDY (in session "Poster 6")
Conceptual Design Study of the Large Size and Low Magnetic Field Superconducting Spherical Tokamak Power Plant (in session "Poster 7")
Configuration Studies for an ST-Based Fusion Nuclear Science Facility (in session "Poster 7")
Configuration Studies for an ST-Based Fusion Nuclear Science Facility (in session "Next Step Fusion Nuclear Technology")
Contribution to Fusion Research from IAEA Coordinated Research Projects and Joint Experiments (in session "Overview Posters")
Contributions of Linear Plasma Devices to PMI Research (in session "Poster 7")
Control of Electron Beam Using Strong Magnetic Field for Efficient Core Heating in Fast Ignition (in session "Poster 6")
Control of Spontaneous Rotation in a Field-Reversed Configuration by Double-Sided Magnetized Plasmoid Injection (in session "Poster 5")
Control Requirement of Tokamak Fusion Power Plant for Power Generation in Grid System (in session "Poster 5")
Controlling H-Mode Particle Transport with Modulated Electron Heating in DIII-D and Alcator C-Mod via TEM Turbulence (in session "Core Turbulence")
Controlling H-Mode Particle Transport with Modulated Electron Heating in DIII-D and Alcator C-Mod via TEM Turbulence (in session "Poster 5")
Core Micro-Instability Analysis of JET Hybrid and Baseline Discharges with Carbon Wall (in session "Poster 5")
Core Microturbulence and Edge MHD Interplay and Stabilization by Fast Ions in Tokamak Confined Plasmas (in session "Transport & MHD")
Core Microturbulence and Edge MHD Interplay and Stabilization by Fast Ions in Tokamak Confined Plasmas (in session "Poster 7")
Core Plasma Rotation Characteristics of RF-Heated H-Mode Discharges on EAST (in session "Poster 3")
Counter Implosion of 500-μm Diameter CD Shell and Fast Heating of its Core Plasma by Tailored DPSSL-Pumped Laser (in session "Poster 6")
Coupling between Intrinsic Rotation and Turbulence-Driven Residual Stress in the TEXTOR Tokamak (in session "Poster 8")
Cross-Polarization Doppler Backscattering Measurements and Microtearing at the Top of the MAST H-Mode Pedestal (in session "Poster 4")
Current Drive by Electron Temperature Gradient Turbulence in Tokamak Pedestal Region (in session "Poster 1")
Current Status of Chinese Solid Tritium Breeder TBM (in session "Poster 8")
Current Status of Chinese Solid Tritium Breeder TBM & Improved Design and Analyses of CN HCCB TBM (in session "New Devices & Technology")
Current Status of Final Design and R&D for ITER Blanket Shield Block in Korea (in session "Poster 4")
DEMO Concept Development and Assessment of Relevant Technologies (in session "Poster 7")
DEMO Design Point Studies (in session "New Devices & Technology")
DEMO Design Point Studies (in session "Poster 7")
DEMO Reactor Design by the New Modular System Code SYCOMORE (in session "Poster 7")
Density Fluctuations as an Intrinsic Mechanism to Keep Self-Consistent Shape of Pressure Profile (in session "Poster 8")
Density Limit Studies in the Tokamak and the Reversed-Field Pinch (in session "Poster 1")
Design and Development of High-Temperature Superconducting Magnet System with Joint-Winding for the Helical Fusion Reactor (in session "Poster 8")
Design and First Applications of the ITER Integrated Modelling & Analysis Suite (in session "Poster 3")
Design Concept of K-DEMO for Near-Term Implementation (in session "Poster 7")
Design Concept of K-DEMO for Near-Term Implementation (in session "New Devices & Technology")
Design Concept of K-DEMO In-Vessel Components (in session "Poster 7")
Design Finalization and R&D Activities before the Start of Manufacture of ITER Thermal Shield (in session "Poster 4")
Design of Divertor and First Wall for DEMO-FNS (in session "Poster 7")
Design of Toroidal Coils Testing Bench: Advances in the Mexican Tokamak “T” (in session "Poster 8")
Design Studies towards the Geometrical Optimization of the Thermal-Hydraulic Performance of Cylindrical Hypervapotron-Type Collectors for Gyrotrons (in session "Poster 5")
Destabilization of Internal Kink by Suprathermal Electron Pressure Driven by Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) (in session "Poster 6")
Determination of the System Function for the Particle Circulation Process Using Perturbation Technique in QUEST (in session "Poster 1")
Developing and Validating Predictive Models for Fast Ion Relaxation in Burning Plasmas (in session "Poster 1")
Developing Physics Basis for the Radiative Snowflake Divertor at DIII-D (in session "Divertor & Exhaust Physics")
Developing Physics Basis for the Radiative Snowflake Divertor at DIII-D (in session "Poster 8")
Development and Successful Operation of the Enhanced-Interlink System of Experiment Data and Numerical Simulation in LHD (in session "Poster 8")
Development of DC Ultra-High Voltage Insulation Technology for ITER NBI (in session "Poster 5")
Development of DC Ultra-High Voltage Insulation Technology for ITER NBI & Progress in Long Pulse Production of Powerful Negative Ion Beams for JT-60SA and ITER (in session "Heating & Disruption")
Development of DEMO-FNS Tokamak for Fusion and Hybrid Technologies (in session "Poster 7")
Development of Divertor Simulation Research in the GAMMA 10/PDX Tandem Mirror (in session "Poster 8")
Development of Dual Frequency Gyrotron and Launcher for the JT-60SA ECH/ECCD System (in session "Poster 5")
Development of Fully Noninductive Scenario at High Bootstrap Current Fraction for Steady State Tokamak Operation on DIII-D and EAST (in session "Poster 2")
Development of Functional Materials for CN TBM (in session "Poster 8")
Development of Impurity Seeding and Radiation Enhancement at Helical Divertor in LHD (in session "Poster 6")
Development of Lithium CPS Based Limiters for Realization of a Concept of Closed Lithium Circulation Loop in Tokamak (in session "Poster 1")
Development of Over 1 MW and Multi-Frequency Gyrotrons for Fusion (in session "Poster 5")
Development of Predictive Simulator to Model Electromagnetic Transients for ITER Application (in session "Poster 4")
Development of Quantitative Atomic Modeling for Tungsten Transport Study Using LHD Plasma with Tungsten Pellet Injection (in session "Poster 6")
Development of Real Time Multiple Control Algorithm for Integrated Control of Plasma Profiles and Neoclassical Tearing Mode (in session "Poster 6")
Development of the Q=10 Scenario for ITER on ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) (in session "Poster 7")
Development of the Q=10 Scenario for ITER on ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) (in session "Operational Scenarios")
Development of Tungsten Monoblock Technology for ITER Full-Tungsten Divertor in Japan (in session "Poster 4")
Development of Tungsten Monoblock Technology for ITER Full-Tungsten Divertor in Japan (in session "ITER Technology")
Diagnostics and Control for Steady State and Pulsed Tokamak DEMO (in session "Poster 7")
DIII-D Research to Address Key Challenges for ITER and Fusion Energy (in session "Overview 1")
DIII-D Research to Address Key Challenges for ITER and Fusion Energy (in session "Overview Posters")
Direct heating of imploded plasma by fast-ions in the fast ignition scheme (in session "Poster 6")
Discriminating the Trapped Electron Mode Contribution in Density Fluctuation Spectra and Turbulent Transport (in session "Poster 5")
Disruption Control Using Biased Electrode in Aditya Tokamak (in session "Poster 7")
Disruption Mitigation System Developments and Design for ITER (in session "Poster 4")
Disruption Mitigation System Developments and Design for ITER (in session "Heating & Disruption")
Disruption Threshold of Error-Field-Induced Locked Mode under n=1 and n=2 Mixed Non-Axisymmetric Fields (in session "Poster 8")
Dynamic Method to Study Turbulence and Turbulence Transport (in session "Core Turbulence")
Dynamic Method to Study Turbulence and Turbulence Transport (in session "Poster 5")
Dynamics of High-Intermediate-High Confinement Transitions on the HL-2A Tokamak (in session "Poster 7")
EAST Snowflake Experiment: Scenario Development and Edge Simulations (in session "Poster 3")
Edge Instability Limiting the Pedestal Growth on Alcator C–Mod Experiment and Modeling (in session "Poster 5")
Edge Instability Limiting the Pedestal Growth on Alcator C–Mod Experiment and Modeling (in session "Pedestal Physics")
Edge Plasma Dynamics during L-H Transition in the JFT-2M Tokamak (in session "Poster 7")
Effect of Horizontal Displacement on Fast Ion Confinement in TUMAN-3M (in session "Poster 6")
Effect of Multi-Pass Absorption of Electron Cyclotron Heating Wave on Initial Stage of Discharge in ITER-like Tokamak (in session "Poster 3")
Effect of Pre-Plasma on Intense Electron Beam Generation by Relativistic Laser Radiation (in session "Inertial Fusion Experiments & Theory")
Effect of Pre-Plasma on Intense Electron Beam Generation by Relativistic Laser Radiation (in session "Poster 6")
Effect of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on Low Collisionality Discharges in MAST and a Comparison with ASDEX Upgrade (in session "Poster 3")
Effect of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on Low Collisionality Discharges in MAST and a Comparison with ASDEX Upgrade (in session "3D Physics")
Effects of Ion Diffusion on Fusion Burn at the Shock Flash in Inertial-Confinement Fusion Implosions (in session "Poster 6")
Effects of Ion Diffusion on Fusion Burn at the Shock Flash in Inertial-Confinement Fusion Implosions (in session "Inertial Fusion Experiments & Theory")
Effects of MHD Instabilities on Neutral Beam Current Drive (in session "Poster 7")
Effects of MHD Instabilities on Neutral Beam Current Drive (in session "Energetic Particles Physics")
Electromagnetic Gyrokinetic Analysis of Turbulent Transport in Finite-Beta LHD Plasmas (in session "Poster 6")
Electron Temperature Critical Gradient and Transport Stiffness (in session "Poster 2")
ELM Mitigation by Lower Hybrid Waves in EAST (in session "Poster 3")
ELM Pacing with Periodic Plasma Column Displacements (in session "Poster 2")
Energetic Particle Driven n=1 MHD Instabilities in Tokamaks with Weakly Reversed Shear (in session "Poster 7")
Energetic, Crystallographic and Diffusion Characteristics of Hydrogen Isotopes in Iron (in session "Poster 7")
Energy Principle for the Fast Resistive Wall Modes in Tokamaks (in session "Poster 7")
Energy Transport by MeV Hot Electrons in Fast Ignition Plasma Driven with LFEX PW Laser (in session "Poster 6")
Engineering Aspects and Physical Research Program of the Modernized T-15 Tokamak (in session "Poster 8")
Engineering Feasibility of the Double Decker Divertor (in session "Poster 8")
Enhanced Pedestal Performance in DIII-D Elm-free H-modes with Lithium Injection (in session "Poster 5")
Equilibrium and Fast Particle Confinement in 3D Tokamaks with Toroidal Rotation (in session "Poster 7")
European DEMO Breeding Blanket Design and Development Strategy in a Roadmap to the Realisation of Fusion Energy (in session "Poster 8")
Evaluation of Fuelling Requirements and Transient Density Behavior in ITER Scenarios (in session "Poster 3")
Evolution and System Dependent Properties of Zonal Flows and GAMs in Tokamaks and Planet Atmospheres (in session "Poster 7")
Evolution of the Ion Temperature in Pedestal during the ELM Mitigation by SMBI (in session "Poster 7")
Examination of the Entry to Burn and Burn Control for the ITER 15 MA Baseline and Other Scenarios (in session "Poster 3")
Expanding the Physics Basis of the Baseline Q=10 Scenario toward ITER Conditions (in session "Poster 2")
Experimental and Modelling Results on Wall Conditioning for ITER Operation (in session "Poster 3")
Experimental Assessment of Erosion Corrosion Parameters of Copper Alloys and Copper to Steel Joints at ITER Operational Conditions (in session "Poster 4")
Experimental Base of Innovation S-Channel for Fusion LM Blanket (in session "Poster 8")
Experimental Evaluation of Long-Term and Stable Magnetic Sensors Operation in ITER-Relevant Conditions (in session "Poster 4")
Experimental Investigation of the System of Vertical and Longitudinal Lithium Limiters as a Prototype of Plasma Facing Components of a Steady State Tokamak-Reactor on T-11M Tokamak (in session "Poster 1")
Experimental Observation of Nonlocal Electron Thermal Transport in NSTX RF-Heated L-Mode Plasmas (in session "Poster 6")
Experimental Observation of Plasma Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbation and its Hysteresis in LHD (in session "Poster 6")
Experimental Platform for Efficient Heating of Fusion Fuel with Fast-Ignition Scheme (in session "Inertial Fusion Experiments & Theory")
Experimental Platform for Efficient Heating of Fusion Fuel with Fast-Ignition Scheme (in session "Poster 6")
Experimental Quantification of the Impact of Large and Small Scale Instabilities on Confined Fast Ions in ASDEX Upgrade (in session "Poster 1")
Experimental Results and Validation of Thermo-Mechanical Models Used for the PREMUX Test Campaign, as Part of the Roadmap towards an Out-of-Pile Testing of a Full Scale HCPB Breeder Unit Mock-up (in session "Poster 8")
Experimental Results on the Irradiation of a Number of the Nuclear Fusion Relevant Materials at the Dense Plasma Focus “Bora” Device (in session "Poster 7")
Experimental Simulation of Burn Control Using DIII-D In-Vessel Coils (in session "Poster 2")
Experimental Study of Disruption Mitigation Using Supersonic Molecular Beam and Massive Gas Injection on HL-2A and J-TEXT (in session "Poster 7")
Experimental Study of the Magnetic Braking Torque by Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations in Different Plasma Collisionality Regimes on KSTAR (in session "Poster 8")
Experimental Turbulence Studies for Gyro-Kinetic Code Validation Using Advanced Microwave Diagnostics (in session "Poster 8")
Experimental Turbulence Studies for Gyro-Kinetic Code Validation Using Advanced Microwave Diagnostics (in session "Edge Turbulence")
Experiments and Modelling on FTU Tokamak for EC Assisted Plasma Start-up Studies in ITER-like Configuration (in session "Poster 2")
Experiments on Magneto-Hydrodynamics Instabilities with ECH/ECCD in FTU Using a Minimal Real-Time Control System (in session "Poster 2")
Extension of Kinetic-Magnetohydrodynamic Model to Include Toroidal Rotation Shear Effect and its Application to Stability Analysis of Resistive Wall Modes (in session "Poster 6")
External Control of Energetic-Ion-Driven MHD Instabilities by ECH/ECCD in Heliotron J Plasmas (in session "Poster 4")
Extreme Low-Edge Safety Factor Tokamak Scenarios via Active Control of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Field on RFX and DIII-D (in session "Poster 2")
Fast Ignition Experiments and Intense Hard-X-Ray Harsh Environment (in session "Poster 6")
Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment (FIREX) and Prospect to Inertial Fusion Energy in Japan (in session "Overview Posters")
Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment (FIREX) and Prospect to Inertial Fusion Energy in Japan (in session "Overview 3")
Fast Ion Transport during Applied 3D Magnetic Perturbations on DIII-D (in session "Energetic Particles Physics")
Fast Ion Transport during Applied 3D Magnetic Perturbations on DIII-D (in session "Poster 7")
Fast Particle Behavior in Globus-M (in session "Poster 1")
Fast Particle-Driven Ion Cyclotron Emission (ICE) in Tokamak Plasmas and the Case for an ICE Diagnostic in ITER (in session "Poster 3")
Fast-Ion Response to Externally Applied 3D Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade H-Mode Plasmas (in session "Poster 1")
Features of Regular Discharges in Uragan-3M Torsatron (in session "Poster 7")
Feedback of a Neoclassical Tearing Mode on Drift Wave – Zonal Flow Turbulence (in session "Poster 1")
Filament Transport in the SOL of ASDEX Upgrade (in session "Poster 1")
Final Assessment of Wendelstein 7-X Magnetic Field Perturbations Caused by Construction Asymmetries (in session "Poster 8")
Finite Larmor Radius Effects on Low-n Magnetohydrodynamic Modes at H-Mode Pedestal with Plasma Rotation (in session "Poster 7")
Finite Toroidal Flow Generated by Resistive Wall Tearing Modes in a Toroidal Plasma (in session "Poster 5")
First Direct Evidence of Turbulence-Driven Ion Flow Triggering the L- to H-Mode Transition (in session "Poster 8")
First Direct Evidence of Turbulence-Driven Ion Flow Triggering the L- to H-Mode Transition (in session "Edge Turbulence")
First Experiments in SST-1 (in session "Overview 5")
First Experiments in SST-1 (in session "Overview Posters")
First Plasma Formation in Glass Spherical Tokamak (GLAST) (in session "Poster 4")
First-Principle Theory-Based Scaling of the SOL Width in Limited Tokamak Plasmas, Experimental Validation, and Implications for the ITER Start-up (in session "Divertor & SOL Physics")
First-Principle Theory-Based Scaling of the SOL Width in Limited Tokamak Plasmas, Experimental Validation, and Implications for the ITER Start-up (in session "Poster 5")
Fishbone Modes in Plasmas with Dual Neutral Beam Injection Heating (in session "Poster 2")
Fluid Simulation of Particle and Heat Fluxes during Burst of ELMs on EAST and DIIID (in session "Poster 2")
Formation and Termination of Runaway Beams in Tokamak Disruptions and Implications for ITER (in session "Poster 3")
Formation of the Business Ecosystem of the Big Science in Korea: Focus on Nuclear Fusion and Accelerator Devices (in session "Poster 5")
Frequency and Damping Rate of the Geodesic Acoustic Mode in Collisional Plasmas (in session "Poster 2")
From Edge Non-Stiffness to Improved IN-Mode: a New Perspective on Global Tokamak Radial Transport (in session "Poster 3")
From Micro to Macro: L-H Transition Dynamics and Power Threshold Scaling (in session "Poster 1")
Fuel Retention and Erosion of Metallic Plasma-Facing Materials under the Influence of Plasma Impurities (in session "Poster 5")
Fuel Retention and Erosion of Metallic Plasma-Facing Materials under the Influence of Plasma Impurities (in session "Divertor & SOL Physics")
Full Wave Simulations for Fast Wave Heating and Power Losses in the Scrape-off Layer of Tokamak Plasmas (in session "Poster 4")
Full-f Neoclassical Simulations toward a Predictive Model for H-Mode Pedestal Ion Energy, Particle and Momentum Transport (in session "Poster 2")
Full-Scale Trial Results to Qualify Optimized Manufacturing Plan for ITER Toroidal Field Coil Winding Pack in Japan (in session "ITER Technology")
Full-Scale Trial Results to Qualify Optimized Manufacturing Plan for ITER Toroidal Field Coil Winding Pack in Japan (in session "Poster 4")
Fully Non-Inductive Current Drive Experiments Using 28 GHz and 8.2 GHz Electron Cyclotron Waves in QUEST (in session "Poster 1")
Fusion Alpha Loss in ITER with Local Marginal Stability to Alfven Eigenmodes (in session "Poster 3")
Fusion Hybrid with Thorium Blanket: on its Innovative Potential at Fuel Cycle of Nuclear Reactors (in session "Poster 7")
Fusion Research in Ioffe Institute (in session "Overview Posters")
Fusion Research in Ioffe Institute (in session "Overview 1")
GAM Evolution and LH-Transition in the TUMAN-3M Tokamak (in session "Poster 6")
Gamma-Ray Spectrometer in the ITER NPA System (in session "Poster 4")
Generation of Energetic Electrons by Magnetic Reconnection with Presence of High Guide Field (in session "Poster 1")
Geodesic Acoustic Mode Investigation in the Spherical Globus-M Tokamak using a multi-diagnostic approach (in session "Poster 1")
Global Gyrokinetic Modeling of Geodesic Acoustic Modes and Shear Alfvén Instabilities in ASDEX Upgrade (in session "Poster 1")
Global gyrokinetic particle-in-cell simulations of Alfvenic modes (in session "Poster 4")
Global Gyrokinetic Simulations of Electromagnetic Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas (in session "Poster 4")
Global Profile Relaxation Coupled with E×B Staircase in Toroidal Flux-Driven ITG Turbulence (in session "Poster 5")
Globus-M2 Design Peculiarities and Status of the Tokamak Upgrade (in session "Poster 8")
Gyrokinetic Analysis of Turbulent Heat and Particle Transport on JT-60U Plasmas (in session "Poster 7")
Gyrokinetic Simulation of Microturbulence in EAST Tokamak and DIII-D Tokamak (in session "Poster 2")
Gyrokinetic Simulation of Phenomenology of GAMs (in session "Poster 5")
Gyrokinetic study of ASDEX-Upgrade inter-ELM profile evolution (in session "Poster 5")
Gyrokinetic Study of Edge Blobs and Divertor Heat-Load Footprint (in session "Pedestal Physics")
Gyrokinetic Study of Edge Blobs and Divertor Heat-Load Footprint (in session "Poster 5")
Heat Transport and Enhancement Confinement Regimes in Tokamak as a Result of Plasma Selforganization (in session "Poster 2")
Heavy Impurity Transport in the Core of JET Plasmas (in session "Transport & MHD")
Heavy Impurity Transport in the Core of JET Plasmas (in session "Poster 7")
Helical Modes Induced by Localized Current Perturbations in Sawtoothing KSTAR Plasmas (in session "Poster 8")
Helicons Current Drive System in Tokamak T-15 (in session "Poster 5")
High Compression of Matter by Hyperspherical Shock Waves for Application to Impact Ignition (in session "Poster 6")
High Density LHRF Experiments in Alcator C-Mod and Implications for Reactor Scale Devices (in session "Poster 6")
High Density Regime in Ohmic TCV Discharges with Positive and Negative Triangularity (in session "Poster 3")
High Internal Inductance for Steady-State Operation in ITER and a Reactor (in session "Poster 2")
High Power ICRF Systems and Heating Experiments in EAST (in session "Poster 3")
High-Temperature Radiolysis of Modified Lithium Orthosilicate Pebbles with Additions of Titania (in session "Poster 8")
How Turbulence Spreading Decouples the Flux from the Local Gradient: a Nonlinear Gyrokinetic Simulation Study (in session "Poster 6")
Hybrid Integral-Differential Simulator of EM Force Interactions / Scenario-Assessment Tool with Pre-Computed Influence Matrix in Applications to ITER (in session "Poster 4")
ICRF Actuator Development at Alcator C-Mod (in session "Poster 5")
ICRF Actuator Development at Alcator C-Mod (in session "Heating & Disruption")
ICRF Discharge Production for Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning on JET (in session "Poster 5")
ICRF Heating Experiment Using the Faraday Shield Less Antenna and New High Power Antenna in LHD (in session "Poster 5")
ICRF System on Tokamak Т-15 (in session "Poster 5")
ICRH for Mitigation of Core Impurity Accumulation in JET-ILW (in session "Poster 5")
Identification of Intrinsic Torques in ASDEX Upgrade H-Mode Plasmas (in session "Poster 1")
Igor Kurchatov and the Russian Fusion Program (in session "Opening")
Impact of 3-D Fields on Divertor Detachment in NSTX and DIII-D (in session "Poster 6")
Impact of Divertor Geometry on ITER Scenarios Performance in the JET Metallic Wall (in session "Poster 5")
Impact of Isotopic Effect on Density Limit and LHCD Efficiency in the FT-2 Experiments (in session "Poster 1")
Impact of NBI-Injected Fast Ions in the Stabilization of the Resistive Wall Mode in High-β_N Plasmas (in session "Poster 2")
Impact of W on Scenario Simulations for ITER (in session "Poster 3")
Improved beta (local beta > 1) and density in electron cyclotron resonance heating on the RT-1 magnetosphere plasma (in session "Poster 3")
Improved Confinement in JET High Beta Plasmas with an ITER-like Wall (in session "Poster 7")
Improved Confinement in JET High Beta Plasmas with an ITER-like Wall (in session "Operational Scenarios")
Improved Understanding of Edge Plasma Dynamics Through Visible Imaging on MAST (in session "Poster 4")
Improvements in the Fast Vertical Control Systems in KSTAR, EAST, NSTX and NSTX-U (in session "Poster 8")
Impurities Removal during Central ECR Heating in T-10 (in session "Poster 1")
Impurity Seeding on JET to Achieve Power Plant like Divertor Conditions (in session "Divertor & Exhaust Physics")
Impurity Seeding on JET to Achieve Power Plant like Divertor Conditions (in session "Poster 8")
In-Situ Monitoring Hydrogen Isotope Retention in ITER First Wall (in session "Poster 5")
In-Vessel Dust Velocity Correlated with the Toroidal Rotation of the Plasma (in session "Poster 8")
Increasing Laser Power Density towards IFE Requirements: High-Power Laser Diode Bars (in session "Poster 6")
Indication of Bulk-Ion Heating by Energetic Particle Driven Geodesic Acoustic Modes on LHD (in session "Poster 7")
Indication of Bulk-Ion Heating by Energetic Particle Driven Geodesic Acoustic Modes on LHD (in session "Energetic Particles Physics")
Influence of a Tungsten Divertor on the Performance of ITER H-Mode Plasmas (in session "Poster 3")
Influence of Boundary Conditions on Turbulent Transport and Plasma Energy Confinement Time Evolution in Tokamaks with Additional Heating: Simulations for T-10 and T-15 Tokamaks (in session "Poster 2")
Influence of ECR Heating on NBI-Driven Alfvén Eigenmodes in the TJ-II Stellarator (in session "Poster 4")
Influence of Flow Shear on the Structure of Ion-Scale Turbulence in MAST (in session "Poster 4")
Influence of Magnetic Perturbations on Particle Pump-out in Magnetic Fusion Devices (in session "Poster 3")
Influence of the Divertor Plate Material on the Plasma Performance in DEMO (in session "Poster 4")
Innovative Concept of the Compression and Heating of the Plasma Targets in the Scheme for Magneto-Inertial Fusion (in session "Poster 6")
Instabilities and Transport of Fast Ions on MAST (in session "Poster 4")
Integrated Core-SOL-Divertor Modelling for ITER Including Impurity: Effect of Tungsten on Fusion Performance in H-Mode and Hybrid Scenario (in session "Poster 3")
Integrated Discharge Scenario for High-Temperature Helical Plasma on LHD (in session "Operational Scenarios")
Integrated Discharge Scenario for High-Temperature Helical Plasma on LHD (in session "Poster 7")
Integrated Heat Transport Simulation of High Ion Temperature Plasma of LHD (in session "Poster 6")
Integrated Modeling of the Globus-M Tokamak Plasma (in session "Poster 1")
Integrated Modeling of Tokamak Experiments with OMFIT (in session "Poster 6")
Integrated Modeling of Toroidal Rotation with the 3D Non-Local Drift-Kinetic Code and Boundary Models for JT-60U Analyses and Predictive Simulations (in session "Transport & MHD")
Integrated Modeling of Toroidal Rotation with the 3D Non-Local Drift-Kinetic Code and Boundary Models for JT-60U Analyses and Predictive Simulations (in session "Poster 7")
Integrated Modelling of DEMO-FNS Current Ramp-up Scenario and Steady State Regime (in session "Poster 7")
Integrated Modelling of ITER Disruption Mitigation (in session "Poster 3")
Integrated Physics Analysis of Plasma Operation Control Scenario of Helical Reactor FFHR-d1 (in session "Poster 7")
Interaction between Neoclassical Tearing Modes and Non-Local Transport in HL-2A (in session "Poster 7")
Interaction between Neoclassical Tearing Modes and Non-Local Transport in HL-2A (in session "Transport & MHD")
Interaction between Resistive Interchange Mode and Helically Trapped Energetic Ions and its Effects on the Energetic Ions and Bulk Plasmas in LHD (in session "Poster 6")
Interaction of Hot Plasma and Fast Ion Streams with Materials under Tests in the Dense Plasma Focus Devices and Some Results of the Irradiation (in session "Poster 7")
Investigation of a Phenomenology of the Improved Confinement Regime in T-11M Tokamak (in session "Poster 1")
Investigation of Argon Seeding in Different Divertor Configurations in EAST and Corresponding SOLPS 5.0 Modeling (in session "Poster 3")
Investigation of Co-Current Rotation at Plasma Edge in the TCABR (in session "Poster 7")
Investigation of LHW-Plasma Coupling and Current Drive Related to H-Mode Experiments in EAST (in session "Poster 3")
Investigation of Progression from Low to High Hydrogen Recycling during Long Duration Discharges on a Spherical Tokamak, QUEST (in session "Poster 1")
Investigation of Toroidal Rotation Reversal in KSTAR Ohmic Plasmas (in session "Poster 8")
ITER Energetic Particle Confinement in the Presence of ELM Control Coils and European TBMs (in session "Poster 3")
JET Asymmetrical Disruptions (in session "Poster 5")
JT-60SA Superconducting Magnet System (in session "Poster 8")
Kinetic Integrated Modeling of Burning Start-up Phase in Tokamaks (in session "Poster 6")
Kinetic Modeling of Classical and Neo-Classical Transport for High-Z Impurities in Fusion SOL/Divertor Plasmas Using Binary Collision Method (in session "Poster 7")
Kinetic Modelling of Runaway Electrons and their Mitigation in ITER (in session "Poster 3")
L to H Mode Transition: Parametric Dependencies of the Temperature Threshold (in session "Poster 4")
L-H Transition Triggered by Fishbone Mode in the NBI Heated HL-2A Plasmas (in session "Poster 7")
L-H Transitions Triggered by SMBI: Experiment and Theory (in session "Poster 8")
Last Achievements in the Experiments with ECR Heating in the Gas Dynamic Trap (in session "Poster 4")
Lead – Lithium Ceramic Breeder Blanket for Russian Thermonuclear Reactor DEMO-S (in session "Poster 7")
Limit Cycle Oscillations and L/H Transitions from Two Dimensional Mean Field Momentum Transport Equations (in session "Poster 5")
Limit Cycle Oscillations at the L-I-H Transition in TJ-II Plasmas: Triggering, Temporal Ordering and Radial Propagation (in session "Poster 4")
Long-Lived Ribbon Structure in JET Tokamak as a Manifestation of a Force-Free Magneto-Current Island (in session "Poster 5")
Low Loop Voltage Start-up Using Trapped Particle Configuration in Versatile Experiment Spherical Torus (VEST) (in session "Poster 8")
Magnetic Island and Plasma Rotation under External Resonant Magnetic Perturbation in T-10 Tokamak (in session "Poster 1")
Magnetic System of Multipole Trap--Galatea on the Basis of Levitating Quadrupole (in session "Poster 3")
Manufacturing Design and Progress of the First Sector for ITER Vacuum Vessel (in session "Poster 4")
MAST Upgrade – Construction Status and Early Research Plans (in session "Poster 8")
Maximization of ICRF Power by SOL Density Tailoring with Local Gas Injection (in session "Poster 5")
Measurement of Apparent Poloidal Rotation of Ion-Scale Turbulence with the KSTAR Microwave Imaging Reflectometer (in session "Poster 8")
Measurement of Radiated Power Asymmetry during Disruption Mitigation on the DIII-D Tokamak (in session "Poster 2")
Measurements of Fast-Ion Losses Induced by MHD Instabilities Using Scintillator-Based Probe in the HL-2A Tokamak (in session "Poster 7")
Mechanism of Low-Intermediate-High Confinement Transitions in Tokamaks (in session "Poster 8")
Mechanism of Low-Intermediate-High Confinement Transitions in Tokamaks (in session "Edge Turbulence")
Mechanisms and Dynamics of the External Transport Barrier Formation in Non-Linear Plasma Edge Simulations (in session "Poster 7")
Melting of Tungsten by ELM Heat Loads in the JET Divertor (in session "Divertor & SOL Physics")
Melting of Tungsten by ELM Heat Loads in the JET Divertor (in session "Poster 5")
MHD Instability Excited by Interplay between Resistive Wall Mode and Stable MHD Modes in Rotating Tokamak Plasmas (in session "Poster 2")
MHD-PbLi Facility for Experiments at Real Blanket Relevant Thermo-Hydraulic Conditions (in session "Poster 8")
Micro- and Macro-Instability, and Large Density and Beta in Improved Confinement MST RFP Plasmas (in session "Poster 3")
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of V-Me(Cr, W)-Zr-C Alloys as a Function of their Thermochemical Treatment Modes (in session "Poster 7")
Modeling and Analytic Study of Plasma Flows on Tearing Mode Stability (in session "Poster 4")
Modeling Divertor Concepts for Spherical Tokamaks NSTX, NSTX-U and ST-FNSF (in session "Poster 6")
Modelling of Melt Damage of Tungsten Armour under Multiple Transients Expected in ITER and Validations against JET-ILW Experiments (in session "Poster 3")
Modelling of Pulsed and Steady-State DEMO Scenarios (in session "Poster 1")
Modelling of Spatial Structure of Divertor Power Loads Caused by Edge-Localized Modes Mitigated by Magnetic Perturbations (in session "Poster 6")
Modelling of Transitions Between L- and H-Mode Including W Behaviour in ITER Scenarios (in session "Poster 3")
Modelling the Effect of Lithium on SOL Dynamics and the SOL Heat Flux Width Observed in NSTX (in session "Poster 6")
Modelling Toroidal Rotation Damping in ITER Due to External 3D Fields (in session "Poster 3")
Molecular Dynamics and Density Functional Simulations of Tungsten Nanostructure Formation by Helium Plasma Irradiation (in session "Poster 7")
Molecular Dynamics and Density Functional Simulations of Tungsten Nanostructure Formation by Helium Plasma Irradiation (in session "Next Step Fusion Nuclear Technology")
Momentum and Particle Transport Across the ITG-TEM Turbulence Regimes in DIII-D H-Mode Plasmas (in session "Poster 2")
Multi-Device Studies of Pedestal Physics and Confinement in the I-Mode Regime (in session "Poster 6")
Multi-Diagnostic Study of Core Turbulence and Geodesic Acoustic Modes in the TCV Tokamak (in session "Poster 3")
Multi-Parameter Measurement Using Finite Electron Temperature Effect on Laser Polarimetry for Burning Plasma Reactor (in session "Poster 7")
Multi-Phase Simulation of Alfvén Eigenmodes and Fast Ion Distribution Flattening in DIII-D Experiment (in session "Poster 7")
Multi-Phase Simulation of Alfvén Eigenmodes and Fast Ion Distribution Flattening in DIII-D Experiment (in session "Energetic Particles Physics")
Multi-Scale ITG/TEM/ETG Turbulence Simulations with Real Mass Ratio and Beta Value (in session "Poster 5")
Multi-Scale ITG/TEM/ETG Turbulence Simulations with Real Mass Ratio and Beta Value (in session "Core Turbulence")
Multi-Time-Scale Energetic Particle Dynamics in JT-60U Simulated with MHD Activity, Sources and Collisions (in session "Poster 7")
NBI and HHFW Fast Ion Temporal Dynamics Modeling with CQL3D-Hybrid-FOW in NSTX Discharges (in session "Poster 6")
Near-Field Physics of Lower-Hybrid Wave Coupling to Long-Pulse, High Temperature Plasmas in Tore Supra (in session "Poster 5")
Near-Field Physics of Lower-Hybrid Wave Coupling to Long-Pulse, High Temperature Plasmas in Tore Supra (in session "Divertor & SOL Physics")
Negative Triangularity Tokamak: Stability Limits and Perspectives as Fusion Energy System (in session "Poster 5")
Neoclassical Tearing Modes Triggered by Intrinsic Error Field in the HL-2A Tokamak (in session "Poster 7")
Neutron Irradiation Effects on Grain-Refined W and W-Alloys (in session "Poster 7")
Neutron Irradiation Effects on Grain-Refined W and W-Alloys (in session "Next Step Fusion Nuclear Technology")
Neutronic Analyses for ITER Diagnostic Port Plugs (in session "Poster 4")
New In-Situ Measurements for Plasma Material Interaction Studies in Alcator C-Mod (in session "Poster 6")
New Insights into Short-Wavelength, Coherent Edge Fluctuations on Alcator C-Mod (in session "Poster 6")
New Visible Wide Angle Viewing System for KTM Based on Multielement Image Fiber Bundle (in session "Poster 8")
Non-Inductive Plasma Start-up Experiments on the TST-2 Spherical Tokamak Using Waves in the Lower-Hybrid Frequency Range (in session "Poster 5")
Non-Inductive Solenoid-Less Plasma Current Start-up on HIST Using Transient Coaxial Helicity Injection (in session "Poster 4")
Non-Linear MHD Modelling of Edge Localized Modes and their Interaction with Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Rotating Plasmas (in session "Poster 8")
Non-Linear MHD Simulations for ITER (in session "Poster 8")
Non-Linear MHD Simulations for ITER & Non-Linear MHD Modelling of Edge Localized Modes and their Interaction with Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Rotating Plasmas (in session "3D Physics & Post Deadline")
Nonlinear and Toroidal Mode Coupling Effects on m=1, n=1 Instabilities (in session "Poster 1")
Nonlinear Excitation of Kinetic Geodesic Acoustic Modes by Drift Waves in Nonuniform Plasmas (in session "Poster 6")
Nonlinear Particle Simulation of Radio Frequency Waves in Fusion Plasmas (in session "Poster 2")
Nonlocal Transport from Edge to Core in Tokamak Plasmas (in session "Poster 2")
Nonthermal Microwave Emission Features under the Plasma Ohmic Heating and Lower Hybrid Current Drive in the FT- 2 Tokamak (in session "Poster 1")
Novel Approaches for Mitigating Runaway Electrons and Plasma Disruptions in Tokamak ADITYA (in session "Poster 7")
Novel Approaches for Mitigating Runaway Electrons and Plasma Disruptions in Tokamak ADITYA (in session "Runaway, Disruption & RF Physics")
Numerical Code "TOKSCEN" for Modeling of Plasma Evolution in Tokamak (in session "Poster 4")
Numerical Diagnostics of Non-Diffusive Transport Process by Use of Turbulence Diagnostic Simulator (in session "Poster 5")
Numerical Modeling for Divertor Design and in Support to the WEST Project (in session "Poster 5")
Numerical Study of Energy Transfer Mechanism of Magnetic Reconnection/Torus Plasma Merging under High Toroidal Magnetic Field (in session "Poster 4")
Observation of a Toroidally Symmetrical Electric Field Fluctuation with Radially Elongated Structure in Heliotron J (in session "Poster 4")
Observation of Intermittent Plasma Ejection from a Highly Overdense Spherical Tokamak Plasma Maintained by Electron Bernstein Wave Heating and Current Drive in LATE (in session "Poster 7")
Observation of Zonal Flows in Core Plasma with Collective Scattering Density Fluctuation Measurement (in session "Poster 4")
Off-Axis Current Drive with High Harmonic Fast Waves for DIII-D (in session "Poster 2")
Off-Axis Current Generation by Helicons and LH Waves in Core of Modern Tokamaks and Reactors FNSF-AT, ITER, DEMO and by Alfven Waves in Pedestal Plasmas. Scenarios, Modeling and Antennae (in session "Poster 3")
On Anomalous Dissipation and Relaxation in ELMs (in session "Poster 1")
On Ohmic Breakdown Physics in a Tokamak (in session "Poster 8")
On the Equilibrium and Stability of ITER Relevant Plasmas with Flow (in session "Poster 3")
On the Measurement of the Threshold Electric Field for Runaway Electron Generation in FTU (in session "Poster 2")
On the Possibility of Alpha-Particle Confinement Study in ITER by NPA Measurements of Knock-on Ion Tails (in session "Poster 3")
Open Theoretical Issues and Solutions for Fusion Relevant Physics Regimes (in session "Poster 7")
Optimization of a Gas Dynamic Trap Neutron Source (in session "Poster 7")
Optimization of High Harmonic ECRH Scenario to Extend a Heating Plasma Parameter Range in LHD (in session "Poster 6")
Overview and Interpretation of L-H Threshold Experiments on JET with the ITER-like Wall (in session "Poster 5")
Overview of DEMO Activities of IFERC Project in BA Activities (in session "Overview Posters")
Overview of Fusion Reactor Materials Study at SWIP (in session "Poster 7")
Overview of Fusion Reactor Materials Study at SWIP (in session "Next Step Fusion Nuclear Technology")
Overview of Gyrokinetic Studies on Electromagnetic Turbulence (in session "Overview 5")
Overview of Gyrokinetic Studies on Electromagnetic Turbulence (in session "Overview Posters")
Overview of HL-2A Recent Experiments (in session "Overview Posters")
Overview of HL-2A Recent Experiments (in session "Overview 4")
Overview of ITPA R&D Activities for Optimization of ITER Diagnostic Performance (in session "Poster 4")
Overview of KSTAR Results in 2013 Campaign (in session "Overview 3")
Overview of KSTAR Results in 2013 Campaign (in session "Overview Posters")
Overview of MAST Results (in session "Overview 2")
Overview of MAST Results (in session "Overview Posters")
Overview of Recent Pedestal Studies at ASDEX Upgrade (in session "Poster 5")
Overview of Recent Pedestal Studies at ASDEX Upgrade (in session "Pedestal Physics")
Overview of Recent Physics Results from NSTX (in session "Overview 4")
Overview of Recent Physics Results from NSTX (in session "Overview Posters")
Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment (in session "Overview Posters")
Overview of Results from the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment (in session "Overview 5")
Overview of the Design Development, Prototype Manufacturing and Procurement of the ITER In-Vessel Coils (in session "ITER Technology")
Overview of the Design Development, Prototype Manufacturing and Procurement of the ITER In-Vessel Coils (in session "Poster 4")
Overview of the FTU Results (in session "Overview 5")
Overview of the FTU Results (in session "Overview Posters")
Overview of the JET Results (in session "Overview 1")
Overview of the JET Results (in session "Overview Posters")
Overview of the Recent Research on the J-TEXT Tokamak (in session "Overview Posters")
Overview of the results of the ABC facility at ENEA- Frascati (in session "Poster 6")
Overview of the RFX-Mod Contribution to the International Fusion Science Program (in session "Overview Posters")
Overview of the RFX-Mod Contribution to the International Fusion Science Program (in session "Overview 5")
Overview of Transport and MHD Stability Study and Impact of Magnetic Field Topology in the Large Helical Device (in session "Overview 2")
Overview of Transport and MHD Stability Study and Impact of Magnetic Field Topology in the Large Helical Device (in session "Overview Posters")
Parallel Flow Dynamics and Comparison with Neoclassical Transport Analysis in NBI Plasmas of Heliotron J (in session "Poster 4")
Parameters of Runaway Electrons in JET (in session "Poster 5")
Partial Detachment of High Power Discharges in ASDEX Upgrade (in session "Divertor & Exhaust Physics")
Partial Detachment of High Power Discharges in ASDEX Upgrade (in session "Poster 8")
Peaked Density Profiles Due to Neon Injection on FTU (in session "Poster 2")
Pedestal Characteristics during the Edge Localized Mode Mitigation by Super-Sonic Molecular Beam Injection on KSTAR (in session "Poster 8")
Pedestal Confinement and Stability in JET-ILW ELMy H-Mode Scenarios (in session "Poster 5")
Pedestal Confinement and Stability in JET-ILW ELMy H-Mode Scenarios (in session "Pedestal Physics")
Pellet Fuelling of Plasmas Including ELM Mitigation in MAST (in session "Poster 4")
Perspectives for the High Field Approach in Fusion Research and Advances within the Ignitor Program (in session "Poster 8")
Physical Characteristics of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity in Tokamaks for Rotation Control and the Evaluation of Plasma Response (in session "3D Physics")
Physical Characteristics of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity in Tokamaks for Rotation Control and the Evaluation of Plasma Response (in session "Poster 3")
Physical Processes Taking Place in the Dense Plasma Focus Devices at the Interaction of Hot Plasma and Fast Ion Streams with Materials under Tests and some Results of the Irradiation (in session "Poster 7")
Physics and Engineering Assessments of the K-DEMO Magnet Configuration (in session "Poster 7")
Physics and Engineering Studies of the Advanced Divertor for a Fusion Reactor (in session "Poster 8")
Physics and Engineering Studies of the Advanced Divertor for a Fusion Reactor & DEMO Concept Development and Assessment of Relevant Technologies (in session "New Devices & Technology")
Physics Design and Analysis Code SPECTRE for Tokamak Based Fusion Reactors (in session "Poster 7")
Physics Design and Economic Assessment of a Long-Pulsed Fusion Power Plant (in session "Poster 5")
Physics-Model-Based Control of the Plasma State Dynamics for the Development and Sustainment of Advanced Scenarios in DIII-D (in session "Poster 2")
Plasma Confinement by Magnetic Field with Convex-Concave Field Lines (in session "Poster 7")
Plasma Confinement by Pressure of Rotating Magnetic Field in Toroidal Device (in session "Poster 5")
Plasma Confinement in the Trimix-3M Multipole Galatea Trap (in session "Poster 3")
Plasma Current Start-up without Central Solenoid in the Iron Core STOR-M Tokamak (in session "Poster 5")
Plasma Facing Material Alternatives to Tungsten (in session "Poster 7")
Plasma Flows and Fluctuations with Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on the Edge Plasmas of the J-TEXT Tokamak (in session "Poster 7")
Plasma Isotopic Change over Experiments in JET under Carbon and ITER-like Wall Conditions (in session "Poster 5")
Plasma Mirror technology on a PW, multi-kJ class Laser to reduce the pre-formed plasma for application to Fast Ignition research. (in session "Poster 6")
Plasma Rotation Alteration by Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Fields, Resistive MHD Stability Analysis, and High Normalized Beta Plasmas Exceeding the Ideal Stability Limit in KSTAR (in session "Poster 8")
Plasma Structure Change and Intermittent Fluctuation near Magnetic Island X-Point under Detached Plasma Condition in LHD (in session "Poster 6")
Plasma Vertical Stabilization in ITER (in session "Poster 3")
Plasma-Material Interaction Issues in Magnetic Fusion Devices (in session "Poster 8")
Plasmoid Ejection Mechanism in Dynamic Divertor Experiment and Simulation (in session "Poster 5")
Poloidal Inhomogeneity of Turbulence in the FT-2 Tokamak by Radial Correlation Doppler Reflectometry and Full-f Gyrokinetic Modeling (in session "Poster 1")
Predator-Prey Time Dynamics and Locking Control of Spontaneous Helical States in the RFP (in session "Poster 3")
Preliminary Test Results of GDC Electrode with Gap Insulation on SWIP Test Bed (in session "Poster 8")
Preparation for Preliminary Design of ITER GDC (in session "Poster 4")
Preparing ITER Tungsten Divertor Operation in Tore Supra: Physics Basis for the WEST Project (in session "Poster 5")
Pressure Driven MHD Instabilities in Intrinsic and Externally Enhanced Magnetic Stochastic Region of LHD (in session "Poster 6")
Production of Radiation-Damaged Tungsten and its Study in High Flux Deuterium Plasma (in session "Poster 7")
Progress in Active Control of Divertor Power Load in the EAST Superconducting Tokamak (in session "Poster 3")
Progress in Long Pulse Production of Powerful Negative Ion Beams for JT-60SA and ITER (in session "Poster 5")
Progress in Preparing Scenarios for ITER Operation (in session "Operational Scenarios")
Progress in Preparing Scenarios for ITER Operation (in session "Poster 7")
Progress in Snowflake Divertor Studies on TCV (in session "Poster 3")
Progress in the Design and Manufacture of High Vacuum Components for ITER (in session "Poster 4")
Progress in the Design and Manufacture of High Vacuum Components for ITER & Manufacturing Design and Progress of the First Sector for ITER Vacuum Vessel (in session "ITER Technology")
Progress in the Realization of the PRIMA Neutral Beam Test Facility (in session "Poster 5")
Progress in Theoretical Studies of Resistive Wall Modes for RFP plasmas and Comparison with Tokamaks (in session "Poster 5")
Progress of CEA Contributions to the JT-60SA TF Coil Procurements (in session "Poster 8")
Progress of High-Performance Steady-State Plasma and Critical PWI Issue in LHD (in session "Divertor & Exhaust Physics")
Progress of High-Performance Steady-State Plasma and Critical PWI Issue in LHD (in session "Poster 8")
Progress of the CEA Contributions to the Broader Approach Projects (in session "Poster 7")
Progress on HIT-SI and Imposed Dynamo Current Drive (in session "Poster 4")
Progress on the ITER Diagnostic-Radial X-Ray Camera (in session "Poster 4")
Progress on Transport Modeling by Trapped Ion Resonance Driven Turbulence (in session "Poster 2")
Progress Status of the Activities in EU for the Development of the ITER Neutral Beam Injector and Test Facility (in session "Poster 5")
Progress Status of the Activities in EU for the Development of the ITER Neutral Beam Injector and Test Facility (in session "Heating & Disruption")
Progress toward Commissioning and Plasma Operation in NSTX-U (in session "Poster 8")
Progress with the ITER Project Activity in Russia (in session "Overview Posters")
Progress with the ITER Project Activity in Russia (in session "Overview 2")
Progresses in 3D Nonlinear Numerical Simulation of Tokamak Disruptions (in session "Poster 4")
Protecting B4C Coating for ITER Divertor Tiles. Deposition, Operation, Removal of Erosion Products (in session "Poster 4")
Protection of Superconducting Magnets in Fusion Experiments: the New Technological Solution for JT-60SA (in session "Poster 8")
Prototype Development of the ITER EC System with 170GHz Gyrotron (in session "Poster 5")
Prototype Development of the ITER EC System with 170GHz Gyrotron & Development of Dual Frequency Gyrotron and Launcher for the JT-60SA ECH/ECCD System & Development of Over 1 MW and Multi-Frequency Gyrotrons for Fusion (in session "Heating & Disruption")
Quantifying Self-Organization in Magnetically Confined Fusion Plasmas (in session "Poster 1")
R&D Status of Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steel for CN TBM (in session "Poster 8")
R&D Status on Remote Handling Technology for ITER Blanket Maintenance (in session "Poster 4")
Radial Electric Field and Poloidal Impurity Asymmetries in the Pedestal of ASDEX Upgrade: Quantitative Comparisons between Experiment and Theory (in session "Poster 1")
Radial Localization of Alfven Eigenmodes and Zonal Field Generation (in session "Energetic Particles Physics")
Radial Localization of Alfven Eigenmodes and Zonal Field Generation (in session "Poster 7")
Radiation Responses for a Stainless Steel Composite as a Neutral Beam Injector Guard Wall of ITER (in session "Poster 5")
Real-Time Control of ELM and Sawtooth Frequencies: Similarities and Differences (in session "Poster 5")
Real-Time Control of NTMs Using ECCD at ASDEX Upgrade (in session "Poster 1")
Recent Advances in the Understanding and Optimization of RMP ELM Suppression for ITER (in session "3D Physics")
Recent Advances in the Understanding and Optimization of RMP ELM Suppression for ITER (in session "Poster 3")
Recent ASDEX Upgrade Research in Support of ITER and DEMO (in session "Overview 2")
Recent ASDEX Upgrade Research in Support of ITER and DEMO (in session "Overview Posters")
Recent ICRH-Wall Conditioning, Second Harmonic Heating and Disruption Mitigation Experiments Using ICRH System in Tokamak ADITYA (in session "Poster 7")
Recent Progresses on Vanadium Alloys for Fusion Application in China (in session "Poster 7")
Redefinition of the ITER Requirements and Diagnostics for Erosion, Deposition, Dust and Tritium Measurements Accounting for the Change to Tungsten Divertor (in session "Poster 3")
Redistribution of Energetic Particles Due to Internal Kink Modes (in session "Poster 1")
Reduced Model for Gyrokinetic Turbulent Transport in Helical Plasmas (in session "Poster 7")
Reduction of Net Erosion of High-Z PFC Materials in DIII-D Divertor Due to Re-Deposition and Low-Z Coating (in session "Poster 2")
Remote Generation of NTM Precursors by Interchange Turbulence (in session "Poster 4")
Research, Development and Production of ITER Toroidal Field Conductors and Poloidal Field Cables in Russia (in session "Poster 4")
Resistive Wall Mode Studies Utilizing External Magnetic Perturbations (in session "Poster 4")
Response of Ion and Electron Temperatures, Electron Density and Toroidal Rotation to Electron Cyclotron Heating in JT-60U (in session "Transport & MHD")
Response of Ion and Electron Temperatures, Electron Density and Toroidal Rotation to Electron Cyclotron Heating in JT-60U (in session "Poster 7")
Results of KTM Lithium Divertor Model Testing on the Tokamak KTM and Future Plans (in session "Poster 8")
Review of Globus-M Spherical Tokamak Results (in session "Overview Posters")
Review of the Safety Concept for Fusion Reactor Concepts and Transferability of the Nuclear Fission Regulation to Potential Fusion Power Plants (in session "Poster 5")
RF Discharge for In-Situ Mirror Surface Recovery in ITER (in session "Poster 4")
Rotation Instability of Neoclassical Plasma Near Magnetic Separatrix (in session "Poster 6")
Runaway Electron Control in FTU (in session "Poster 2")
Runaway Electron Generation with the ITER-like Wall and Efficiency of Massive Gas Injection at JET (in session "Runaway, Disruption & RF Physics")
Runaway Electron Generation with the ITER-like Wall and Efficiency of Massive Gas Injection at JET (in session "Poster 7")
Self Organization of High Beta_p Plasma Equilibrium with an Inboard Poloidal Null Sustained by Fully Non-Inductive Current Drive in QUEST (in session "Poster 1")
Self-Consistent Modeling of Radio-Frequency Sheaths: Comparison with Tore Supra Measurements and Predictability for Future Machines (in session "Poster 6")
Short Way Separation of D/T from He with Superpermeable Membranes in the Post-ITER Devices (in session "Poster 4")
Simulation of Energy-Dependent Stochastic Transport Induced by Low-Order MHD Instabilities for Runaway Electron Mitigation (in session "Poster 5")
Simulation of Neutral Gas Flow in the JET Subdivertor and Comparison with Experimental Results (in session "Poster 8")
Simulation of the Pre-Thermal Quench Stage of Disruptions at Massive Gas Injection and Projections for ITER (in session "Poster 3")
Simulation Study of a New Kind of Energetic Particle Driven Geodesic Acoustic Mode (in session "Poster 1")
Simulations and Validations of Transport during Fueling by SMBI in HL-2A Tokamak (in session "Poster 7")
Simultaneous Measurement of the ELMs at Both High and Low Field Sides and ELM Dynamics in ELM Crash-Free Period in KSTAR (in session "3D Physics & Post Deadline")
Simultaneous Measurement of the ELMs at Both High and Low Field Sides and ELM Dynamics in ELM Crash-Free Period in KSTAR (in session "Poster 8")
Solid Tungsten Divertor-III for ASDEX Upgrade and Contributions to ITER (in session "Poster 1")
Spectra of Neutrons from a Beam-Driven Fusion Source (in session "Poster 7")
Stabilization Effect of Weibel Modes in Relativistic Laser Fusion Plasma (in session "Poster 6")
Stable Plasmas in Theoretically Mercier-Unstable TJ-II Configurations (in session "Poster 4")
Status of GOL-3 Multiple Mirror Trap Experiments (in session "Poster 4")
Status of JT-60SA Project (in session "Overview 3")
Status of JT-60SA Project (in session "Overview Posters")
Status of R&D for ITER Disruption Loads, Disruption Mitigation and Runaway Electron Avoidance (in session "Poster 3")
Status of Upgrading Project of Tokamak T-15 (in session "New Devices & Technology")
Status of Upgrading Project of Tokamak T-15 (in session "Poster 8")
Steps in Validating Scrape-off Layer Simulations of Detached Plasmas in the JET ITER-like Wall Configuration (in session "Poster 5")
Structural Analysis of the ITER Coil Power Supply System (in session "Poster 4")
Structure and Scaling of Fluctuations in the MHD Range in the H-1NF HELIAC (in session "Poster 4")
Studies of Dust Transport in Long Pulse Discharges in the Large Helical Device (in session "Poster 6")
Studies of Impact of Edge Current Profiles, Plasma Shaping, Nonlinearity on Edge Localized Modes with BOUT++ Code (in session "Poster 3")
Studies of Impurity Seeding and Divertor Power Handling in Fusion Reactor (in session "Poster 8")
Studies of Magnetic Perturbations in High-Confinement Mode Plasmas in ASDEX Upgrade (in session "Poster 1")
Studies of Protection and Recovery Techniques of Diagnostic Mirrors for ITER (in session "Poster 4")
Study of Carbon Transport in the Scrape-off Layer of HL-2A with Impurity Sources Located at Limiter, Baffle and Divertor (in session "Poster 7")
Study of GAM Radial Structure and Properties in OH and ECRH Plasmas in the T-10 Tokamak (in session "Poster 1")
Study of ITB Formation, Electron Heat and Density Flux Structure in New ECRH/ECCD Experiments at T-10 Tokamak (in session "Poster 1")
Study of ITER First Plasma Initiation Using a 3D Electromagnetic Model (in session "Poster 3")
Study of Neutral Hydrogen Transport in LHD Core Plasmas Based on High Dynamic-Range Balmer-Alpha Spectroscopy (in session "Poster 6")
Study of Nonlinear Fast Particle Transport and Losses in the Presence of Alfvén Waves (in session "Poster 2")
Study of Pedestal Turbulence on EAST Tokamak (in session "Poster 3")
Study of the Alfven Wave Coupling in the SUNIST Spherical Tokamak (in session "Poster 6")
Study of Transport Characteristics of Multiple Impurities Depending on the Impurity Source Location in LHD (in session "Poster 6")
Study of Type III ELMs in the KSTAR Tokamak (in session "Poster 8")
Studying the Impurity Charge Dependence of Impurity Confinement in ECR Heated TJ-II Stellarator Plasmas (in session "Poster 4")
Successful ELM Suppressions in a Wide Range of q95 Using Low n RMPs in KSTAR and its Understanding as a Secondary Effect of RMP (in session "3D Physics")
Successful ELM Suppressions in a Wide Range of q95 Using Low n RMPs in KSTAR and its Understanding as a Secondary Effect of RMP (in session "Poster 3")
Summary EX/C, EX/D, PPC (in session "Summary")
Summary EX/S, EX/W, ICC (in session "Summary")
Summary FIP, FNS, MPT, SEE (in session "Summary")
Summary IFE (in session "Summary")
Summary of the Test Results of ITER Conductors in SULTAN (in session "Poster 8")
Summary of the Test Results of ITER Conductors in SULTAN & Research, Development and Production of ITER Toroidal Field Conductors and Poloidal Field Cables in Russia (in session "ITER Technology")
Summary Theory (in session "Summary")
Super H-mode: Theoretical Prediction and Initial Observations of a New High Performance Regime for Tokamak Operation (in session "Poster 5")
Super H-mode: Theoretical Prediction and Initial Observations of a New High Performance Regime for Tokamak Operation (in session "Pedestal Physics")
Super-Saturated Hydrogen Effects on Radiation Damages in Tungsten under High-Flux Divertor Plasma Irradiation (in session "Poster 7")
Superconducting Magnet for Russian Fusion Neutron Source DEMO-TIN (in session "Poster 7")
Suppression of Type-I ELMs with Incomplete I-Coil Set on DIII-D (in session "Poster 2")
Surface Heat Loads on Tungsten Monoblocks in the ITER Divertor (in session "ITER Technology")
TCV Heating and In-Vessel Upgrades for Addressing DEMO Physics Issues (in session "Poster 7")
Testing of Mock-ups for a Full Tungsten Divertor on Globus-M Tokamak (in session "Poster 8")
The Accomplishment of the Engineering Design Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: the European-Japanese Project Towards a Li(d,xn) Fusion Relevant Neutron Source (in session "Poster 7")
The Accomplishment of the Engineering Design Activities of IFMIF/EVEDA: the European-Japanese Project Towards a Li(d,xn) Fusion Relevant Neutron Source & Evaluation of Lithium Target Facility of IFMIF in IFMIF/EVEDA Project (in session "Next Step Fusion Nuclear Technology")
The Auxiliary Heating and Current Drive Systems on The Tokamak T-15 Upgrade (in session "Poster 1")
The Combining Effect of the Inductive Electric Field and the Lower Hybrid Waves on the Impurity Ions Toroidal Rotation in the Lower Hybrid Current Drive Tokamak Plasmas (in session "Poster 2")
The Concept of Hybrid Reactor-Tokamak with Molten-Salt Thorium Blanket for Producing 233U out of Neutron Field (in session "Poster 7")
The Dynomak: an Advanced Fusion Reactor Concept with Imposed-Dynamo Current Drive and Next-Generation Nuclear Power Technologies (in session "Poster 8")
The First Lower Hybrid Current Drive Experiments in the Spherical Tokamak Globus-M (in session "Poster 1")
The Impact on Tritium Breeding Ratio of Neutral Beam Port Location in DEMO (in session "Poster 7")
The Initial Programme of Wendelstein 7-X on the Way to a HELIAS Fusion Power Plant (in session "New Devices & Technology")
The Initial Programme of Wendelstein 7-X on the Way to a HELIAS Fusion Power Plant (in session "Poster 8")
The Interpretation of the Tokamak Self-Consistent Pressure Profiles (in session "Poster 4")
The Isotope Effect in GAM – Turbulence Interplay and Anomalous Transport in Tokamak (in session "Poster 8")
The Isotope Effect in GAM – Turbulence Interplay and Anomalous Transport in Tokamak & Density Fluctuations as an Intrinsic Mechanism to Keep Self-Consistent Shape of Pressure Profile (in session "Edge Turbulence")
The Isotope Effect in the RFX-Mod Experiment (in session "Poster 1")
The ITER Project Construction Status (in session "Overview Posters")
The ITER Project Construction Status (in session "Overview 1")
The Latest Development of EAST Neutral Beam Injector (in session "Poster 3")
The Low Threshold Parametric Decay Instabilities Leading to Anomalous Absorption at ECRH in Toroidal Devices (in session "Poster 7")
The Low Threshold Parametric Decay Instabilities Leading to Anomalous Absorption at ECRH in Toroidal Devices (in session "Runaway, Disruption & RF Physics")
The Neutronics Analysis of Blankets for the Hybrid Fusion Neutron Source (in session "Poster 7")
The Observation of Pedestal Turbulence Contributing Inward Particle and Heat Flux on the Edge of HL-2A Tokamak (in session "Poster 7")
The Observation of Synchronous Oscillation prior to Disruption in the HL-2A Tokamak (in session "Poster 7")
The Operational Window for Divertor Detachment in a Fusion Reactor – A Physics-Technology Integrated Approach (in session "Poster 7")
The Perspectives of the Use of the Advanced Fuels for Power Production (in session "Poster 6")
The Role of Edge Plasma Instabilities in Dynamical Evolution of Pedestal in the HL-2A Tokamak (in session "Poster 7")
The Role of Lithium Conditioning in Achieving High Performance, Long Pulse H-Mode Discharges in the NSTX and EAST Devices (in session "Poster 6")
The Role of MHD in 3D Aspects of Massive Gas Injection for Disruption Mitigation (in session "Runaway, Disruption & RF Physics")
The Role of MHD in 3D Aspects of Massive Gas Injection for Disruption Mitigation (in session "Poster 7")
The Science Program of the TCV Tokamak: Exploring Fusion Reactor and Power Plant Concepts (in session "Overview 4")
The Science Program of the TCV Tokamak: Exploring Fusion Reactor and Power Plant Concepts (in session "Overview Posters")
The Single Dominant Mode Picture of Non-Axisymmetric Field Sensitivity and its Implications for ITER Geometric Tolerances (in session "Poster 2")
Theoretical Analysis of the ICRH Antenna’s Impedance Matching for ELMy Plasmas on EAST (in session "Poster 3")
Theoretical and Simulation Studies on the Wave and Particle Dynamics Associated with Alfvén Eigenmodes in Tokamak Plasmas (in session "Poster 6")
Theoretical Model of ITER High Resolution H-Alpha Spectroscopy for a Strong Divertor Stray Light and Validation against JET-ILW Experiments (in session "Poster 5")
Thermal Equilibrium and Density Limit in Tokamak-Reactor (in session "Poster 5")
Thermal Loads on FTU Actively Cooled Liquid Lithium Limiter (in session "Poster 2")
Three-Dimensional MHD Analysis of Heliotron Plasma with RMP (in session "3D Physics & Post Deadline")
Three-Dimensional MHD Analysis of Heliotron Plasma with RMP (in session "Poster 8")
Tokamak with an Ergodic Central Area (in session "Poster 5")
Toroidal Rotation and Momentum Transport Studies in KSTAR Plasmas (in session "Poster 8")
Toroidal Rotation Produced by Disruptions and ELMs (in session "Poster 2")
Toroidal Rotation Profile Structure in L- and H-Mode KSTAR Plasmas (in session "Poster 7")
Toroidal Rotation Profile Structure in L- and H-Mode KSTAR Plasmas (in session "Transport & MHD")
Toward an Emerging Understanding of ELM Dynamics and Energy Loss Scaling & Advanced Divertor Analysis of HL-2M (in session "Divertor & SOL Physics")
Towards Baseline Operation Integrating ITER-Relevant Core and Edge Plasma within the Constraint of the ITER-like Wall at JET (in session "Poster 5")
Transient CHI Plasma Start-up Simulations and Projections to NSTX-U (in session "Poster 6")
Transition and Interaction of Low-Frequency MHD Modes during Neutral Beam Injection on HL-2A (in session "Poster 7")
Transport Simulation Analysis of Peripheral Plasma with the Open and the Closed LHD Divertor (in session "Poster 6")
Transport Theory for Energetic Alpha Particles and Superbananas in Tokamak Fusion Reactors with Broken Symmetry (in session "Poster 1")
Transport, Stability and Plasma Control Studies in the TJ-II Stellarator (in session "Overview 4")
Transport, Stability and Plasma Control Studies in the TJ-II Stellarator (in session "Overview Posters")
Tritium Safety Assessment for Fusion Reactor Based on Fuel Cycle and Environmental Dispersion Modelling (in session "Poster 5")
Tritium Transport Modelling: First Achievements on ITER Test Blanket Systems Simulation and Perspectives for DEMO Breeding Blanket (in session "Poster 4")
Turbulence Behavior and Transport Response Approaching Burning Plasma Relevant Parameters (in session "Core Turbulence")
Turbulence Behavior and Transport Response Approaching Burning Plasma Relevant Parameters (in session "Poster 5")
Turbulent Elasticity and the Physics of Time Delay (in session "Poster 4")
Turbulent Electromagnetic Filaments in Toroidal Plasma Edge (in session "Poster 1")
Two-Fluid Effects on Pressure-Driven Modes in a Heliotron Device (in session "Poster 5")
Understanding of Impurity Poloidal Distribution in Edge Pedestal by Modeling (in session "Pedestal Physics")
Understanding of Impurity Poloidal Distribution in Edge Pedestal by Modeling (in session "Poster 5")
Understanding the MAST H-Mode Pedestal Through Experiments and Modelling (in session "Poster 4")
Unipolar Arcing at Advanced Fine-Structured Materials (in session "Poster 7")
Verification of the Simulated Radiated Power of the ICRH Antenna Design for Wendelstein 7-X with Experimental Results Using a Quarter Scale Mock-up Antenna (in session "Poster 6")
W Impurity Poloidal Assymmetries Observed at ASDEX Upgrade Using Soft-X-Ray Tomography Reconstruction (in session "Poster 1")
WallDYN Simulations of Global Impurity Migration and Fuel Retention in JET and Extrapolations to ITER (in session "Poster 5")
X-Divertors in ITER - Without any Hardware Changes or Additions - and in Current Machines, and DEMO Reactors (in session "Poster 3")
Include materials from selected contributions