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Oct 13 – 18, 2014
Hotel Park Inn Pribaltiyskaya
Europe/Moscow timezone

Instructions for the Preparation of Synopses

The process of submitting a proposal for consideration as a contribution to the scientific programme of FEC 2014 requires the submission of an abstract (typed in using the "submit a new abstract" link) and a two page synopsis (uploaded as a pdf document only, using the "attach a file" function also provided under the "submit a new abstract" link).

Each synopsis should feature a title, list of all authors and their  affilitations, the email address of the main author, and a main body text. The layout should thereby be prepared according to the following instructions:
  • Page size: A4 (297 mm by 210 mm) – vertical orientation
  • Full margins (left/right/top/bottom): 25 mm
  • Layout: single-spaced, one additional line between paragraphs
  • Alignment: left
  • Font: Times New Roman only
  • Title: 14-point size, bold, first letter in capitals, first letter of each subsequent word in capitals except for articles and propositions
  • Authors: 12-point size
  • Affiliation and e-mail address: 12-point size
  • Text: 12-point size
  • Length: maximum 2 pages


  1. Papers must present original and previously unreported work on any of the conference topics listed below. In particular, papers on subjects covered by the same authors at previous IAEA conferences must only present results obtained since those already reported, and this should be indicated in the extended synopsis.
  2. The Programme Committee will base its decision to include papers in the conference on the two-page extended synopsis provided by authors. This should therefore outline, in sufficient detail, the purpose of the work and the results obtained.
  3. The Programme Committee encourages papers that cross the boundaries of one topic area. Therefore, authors are permitted to specify more than one topic.
  4. General engineering work not specific to thermonuclear fusion should not be submitted for this conference. R&D results (example: fabrication of a specific component) should be put in the context of what is required for fusion in general and should include what the challenges are, why some solutions were chosen and what the implications are.
  5. Overview papers will be considered in the following categories:
    • A review of studies in one of the topic areas,
    • An overview of significant results from a facility.
  6. If a result described in one paper depended on significant advances in diagnostic capabilities, the diagnostic technique may be discussed as part of the paper.
  7. The following guidelines can be followed to determine whether papers including discussions of new fusion concepts should be submitted under EX-, TH-, or ICC. If the purpose of the paper is primarily to expose a new fusion concept, it should be identified as ICC even if a moderate amount of theory and/or data are included. If a paper primarily presents new theory, it should be identified as TH-. If it primarily presents new experimental results, it should be identified as EX-. The Programme Committee may indicate an appropriate topic for the paper in cases of ambiguity or mismatch.