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The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is organizing the Third International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology (ICARST-2025), following the success of the first ICARST in 2017 and second ICARST in 2022. 

Innovations in the field of radiation sciences have contributed significantly to industrial growth and economic development by providing versatile tools and processes to produce high quality products in a clean and efficient manner. These advances have resulted in economic growth and have significantly improved the quality of life in many Member States. With the focus now shifting to the development of sustainable technologies to help achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), it is now time to revisit the current status of radiation technology programmes in academia and industry to prepare for meeting future challenges.

Today radiation scientists primarily focus on the production of advanced high-performance materials through sustainable industrial processes, with the overarching goal of ensuring a cleaner environment. There is also a growing emphasis on gaining a comprehensive understanding of the chemical effects of radiation under unique conditions, along with the exploration of novel approaches to address intricate chemistry at interfaces. Radiation technologists, meanwhile, persistently ensure the safe, secure and dependable operation of radiation facilities. They are charged with implementing international standards for process control, assuring the uninterrupted supply and transportation of cobalt-60 consignments across continents, and advancing the development of new generations of electron beam accelerators and X-ray sources for emerging applications. These innovations necessitate novel approaches in dosimetry and microbiology techniques for process control. Besides radiation processing applications, other radiation technologies are also utilized. These include the use of radionuclides to improve and optimize the performance of industrial processes, investigate environmental pathways, and employ radiation sources for product quality control. The IAEA, working in close partnership with its Member States as well as professional scientific bodies and industries, continues to strive to maximize the contribution of radiation sciences and technologies towards the achievement of Member States’ development priorities.


Purpose and Objectives


The purpose of ICARST-2025 is to provide a comprehensive review of significant developments in the applications of radiation science and technology, as well as the state of art in the field; assess national, regional, and global initiatives for implementing proven industrial applications of radiation science and technology; provide a composite platform where representatives from industry and academia can develop new initiatives; and chart a clear-cut pathway for the adoption of radiation technologies to achieve specific SDGs.

It will aim to provide a unique opportunity to achieve the following objectives:

  • Review key developments: ICARST-2025 will serve as a platform for a comprehensive review of significant developments in the applications of radiation science and technology. It will facilitate an examination of the ‘state of the science’ in this field, taking into account the latest advancements and innovations;
  • Assessing Initiatives: The conference aims to assess ongoing national, regional, and global initiatives that focus on the implementation of established industrial applications rooted in radiation science and technology. The evaluation will emphasize the socio-economic benefits generated by these initiatives and their role in bolstering capacity building in Member States;
  • Fostering New Initiatives: ICARST-2025 will provide a composite platform where representatives from industry and academia can collaborate to launch new initiatives. These initiatives will be geared towards ensuring the continued success of radiation technologies, particularly in addressing emerging challenges encountered across various domains; and
  • Identifying implementation strategies: An important outcome of ICARST-2025 will be charting a clear-cut pathway for the adoption of radiation technologies to achieve specific sustainable development goals.


​​Expected Outcomes​ 


The conference will strengthen contacts and foster cooperation among radiation science researchers, radiation technology providers, radiation facility operators, and the coordinators of academic programmes in the radiation sciences. It will provide a comprehensive review of the status of radiation sciences in industry and academia. The conference is expected to generate ideas that will form the basis of future IAEA programmes in the area of radiation technologies and achieving sustainable development goals. 

IAEA Headquarters
Wagramerstrasse 5, 1400 Vienna

​​Conference Secretariat 

General Postal Address and Contact Details of the IAEA: 

​International Atomic Energy Agency 

Vienna International Centre 

PO Box 100 

1400 VIENNA 


Tel.: +43 1 2600 

Fax: +43 1 2600 2007 



​​Scientific​ ​Secretaries​ ​of the Conference:​ 

Ms Celina HORAK 

Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences 

Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications 

Tel.: +43 1 2600 21744 

Fax: +43 1 26007 



Ms Hannah AFFUM  

Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences 

Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications 

Tel.: +43 1 2600 21745 

Fax: +43 1 26007 



​​Administration and Organization:​ 


​​Conference Services Section 

​Division of Conference and Document Services 

​Department of Management​ 

​​IAEA-CN-​332​; EVT​2306594  

​​Tel.: +43 1 2600​ 21321 


​​Subsequent correspondence on scientific matters should be sent to the Scientific​ ​Secretary​ ​and correspondence on administrative matters to the IAEA’s Conference Services Section.​ 


​​Conference Web Page​ 

​​Please visit the IAEA conference​ ​regularly for new information regarding this conference.​