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Scientific Programme


The scope of the conference is aimed to cover, but is not limited to, the following topical areas:

• Advances in radiation chemistry, radiation science and technology;
• Radiation modified advanced materials: from fundamentals to applications;
• Radiation and nuclear technology for imaging and preservation of cultural heritage;
• Radiation processing applications in medical sterilization, tissue banking, food and agriculture;
• Dosimetry, standards and quality management of irradiation facilities;
• New generation of radiation sources: gamma rays, electron beam and X-ray;
• Production and application of radionuclides and tracers for studying industrial and environmental processes and flow visualisation;
• Nucleonic control and measurement systems and imaging technologies;
• NDT applications for civil engineering, including artificial intelligence, neutron and muon radiography;
• Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) and numerical Residence Time Distribution (RTD) modelling;
• Radiation sciences and technology in environmental monitoring, protection, remediation and post natural disaster management;
• Education, training and certification in radiation science and technology; and
• Radiation sciences & technology success stories in line with the UN SDGs (

Abstracts concerning medical applications of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals are considered out-of-scope for the ICARST-2025. However, as a complimentary to the ICARST series, the IAEA will host the ISTR-2027 Conference specifically covering medical applications of radiation science and technology. Submissions of abstracts focused on these topics related to ISTR-2027 are highly encouraged.


This conference will focus on the applications of radiation science and technology, which is a multidisciplinary area covering many branches including radiation-related physics, chemistry, materials science, biology, engineering, and industrial applications. The target audience for this conference comprises of, but is not limited to:
• Radiation technologists in areas of chemistry, physics, microbiology, material scientists;
• Food technologists;
• Cultural heritage conservators and preservators;
• High dose radiation dosimetry experts;
• Environment engineers and scientists;
• Radiation facility operators;
• Quality assurance specialists for radiation facilities;
• Radiation safety experts;
• Process engineers;
• Entrepreneurs involved in applications of radiation technologies;
• Manufacturers of radiation sources and equipment suppliers;
• Research scientists and students engaged in radiation technologies;
• Policy makers and regulators; and
• Other stakeholders.

  • Track 1: Advanced radiation chemistry and trends in radiation science and technology

  • Track 2: Emerging roles of radiation sciences and technology in environmental monitoring and protection

  • Track 3: Dosimetry, standards and quality management of irradiation facilities

  • Track 4: Advanced materials: from fundamentals to applications

  • Track 5: New generation of radiation sources: gamma ray, electron beam, and X-ray

  • Track 6: Alternative radiation sources based on accelerator technologies

  • Track 7: Radiation sterilization and microbiological qualification

  • Track 8: Radiation & nuclear technologies for characterization, imaging, and preservation of cultural heritage

  • Track 9: Tracers and radiotracers applications for studying industrial and environmental processes and flow visualisation

  • Track 10: Sealed sources nucleonic control and measurement systems and imaging technologies

  • Track 11: Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) and numerical Residence Time Distribution (RTD) modelling

  • Track 12: Recent radiation processing applications in food and agriculture

  • Track 13: Radiation technologies in tissue banking and tissue engineering

  • Track 14: Education and training in radiation science and technology

  • Track 15: Artificial Intelligence (AI) applied in radiation technologies

  • Track 16: Radiation sciences & technology success stories in support of attaining UN-SDGs
