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Technical Tour to Seibersdorf

As part of the activities for the Third International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology (ICARST-2025), a technical tour of the IAEA Seibersdorf Laboratories, located 40 km from the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna, is organized to showcase the IAEA's research, development, and training capabilities.

The purpose of this tour is to give ICARST-2025 participants the opportunity to visit IAEA laboratories that support and implement projects addressing the needs of Member States in various sectors, including industry, food and agriculture, human health, environmental monitoring and assessment, and nuclear analytical instrumentation.

During the tour, participants will visit four laboratories aligned with the themes of the ICARST Conference: the Food Safety and Control Laboratory, NDT Service Center, Nuclear Science and Instrumentation Laboratory, and the Terrestrial Environmental Radiochemistry Laboratory.
The tour will last approximately 3 hours. To make the most of the time and avoid delays, it is important to follow the provided instructions during the visit.

Programme of the Tour

Participants who would like to visit Seibersdorf Laboratories will have to register at the Information Desk, located in the M Building on 7 April 2025, on first-come-first-served basis. The number of visitors is limited to 60 participants.

The tour will take place on Friday, 11 April 2025. The Bus to convey visitors will depart from the VIC (Gate 1) to Seibersdorf Laboratories at 12:30 pm and return to the VIC at 16:30.