The reason for studying the neutron capture reaction on the mono-isotopic element thulium is twofold. Its only stable isotope, $^{169}$Tm, is often used as a neutron-flux activation monitor. The neutron capture cross-section in the relevant energy range has been measured several times [1-4] in the past and more recently at CSNS [5]. While these data show rough agreement, there are significant differences. Moreover, the uncertainties are often not quoted. These two motivate a state-of-the-art measurement and analysis of the neutron capture cross-section in the keV energy range.
The neutron capture cross-section can also be calculated via the Hauser-Feshbach approach [6], for which the key ingredients are the photon-strength-functions (PSFs) and nuclear level density (NLD). These quantities can be inferred from the $\gamma$-ray spectra of s-wave resonances by comparing them to the simulated spectra.
The neutron-capture reactions on the $^{169}$Tm nuclei have been measured with the DANCE calorimeter [7,8] at LANSCE [9]. The background-corrected sum-energy and multi-step-cascade spectra were extracted for a number of strong isolated s-wave resonances. These experimental coincident $\gamma$-ray spectra are compared with their simulated counterparts using Monte-Carlo code DICEBOX [10] to obtain information about PSFs and NLD. In particular, we investigate the scissors-mode (SM) role in the M1 PSF. Previously, SM parameters of well-deformed rare-earth nuclei were obtained by several experimental techniques, see e.g. Refs. [11-13] and review [14]. They show significant differences, especially in the strength of the mode. The shape of the low-energy tail of the giant electric-dipole resonance is uncertain too. Because of these inconsistencies, additional information on PSFs in this region is of great interest.
The neutron capture cross-section is deduced from the experimental data in the usual fashion, i.e. by subtracting backgrounds, determining the neutron flux using several flux monitors, and normalizing to the standard cross-section. The analysis steps, internal consistency of our data, preliminary results on PSFs, and neutron capture cross-sections will be presented.
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