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8–12 Jul 2024
Vienna International Centre
Europe/Vienna timezone

Eric Bauge Session

In memory of Eric Bauge:

Building bridges across nuclear physics and related topics

Sophie Péru, Stéphane Hilaire (CEA Bruyères)Introductory remarks
Mark Chadwick (LANL)CIELO project: building bridges between nuclear data communities around the world
Jutta Escher (LLNL)Nuclear reaction models and codes: building bridges between nuclear structure and nuclear reaction communities
Dimitri Rochman (PSI)Building bridges between nuclear reactions and statistical methods
Marc Dupuis (CEA Bruyères)Microscopic nuclear reaction models: building bridges between microscopic theory and nuclear data
Stéphane Goriely (ULB)Nuclear astrophysics: interplay between nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, and nuclear astrophysics
Roberto Capote (IAEA)Nuclear optical potentials: interplay between nuclear structure and nuclear reactions
Arjan Koning (IAEA)Status of TALYS code
Toshihiko Kawano (LANL)CEA-LANL efforts on nuclear reaction theories and their application to nuclear data