Technical Meeting on the Compilation of Nuclear Data Experiments for Radiation Characterization

M Building Press Room (VIC)

M Building Press Room


Wagramer Str. 5, 1400 Wien
Jean-Christophe SUBLET (IAEA)

The purpose of the event is to transfer into technology the experimental integral radiation information to be used as part of the validation and verification processes of nuclear model and simulation code systems, to provide various schemas to perform validation and verification, and to deploy the numerical data streams to users though the open application programming interface.


  • Albert (Skip) Kahler
  • Benoit Forget
  • Bor Kos
  • Coline Larmier
  • Cédric Jouanne
  • Daniel Siefman
  • David Heinrichs
  • Davide Laghi
  • Davide Mancusi
  • Gareth Morgan
  • Gediminas Stankunas
  • Ludmila MARIAN
  • Lydie GIOT
  • Marco Fabbri
  • Mark Gilbert
  • Muriel Fallot
  • Oliver Buss
  • Paul Romano
  • Peneliau Yannick
  • Shin OKUMURA
  • Ville Valtavirta
  • Xiaofei WU
  • Yanyan Ding
  • Zhigang Ge