Chairs: Doug Crawford
The purpose of this article is to investigate the use of fast reactors for changing the isotopic composition of Pu for a better reuse in thermal reactors. The possibility to change or adjust (the term «improve» can also be used) the isotopic composition of Pu from MOX SNF of thermal reactors is determined by the fundamental characteristic of fast reactors – their capability for nuclear...
A long-term objective of the Advanced Fuels Campaign (AFC) is the investigation into enabling technologies that allow for improving nuclear fuel performance and for the transmutation of minor actinides in sodium fast reactor. As part of this development, candidate fuel compositions and forms are irradiated in a cadmium-shrouded positions at the INL’s Advanced Test Reactor (ATR), and they are...
Today the investigations have been completed on helium-bonded fuel pins with mixed uranium-plutonium nitride of BN-600/BN-800, BN-1200 and BREST reactors types after irradiation as a part of ten EFAs of BN-600 reactor up to maximum burn-up of 7.5;6.0 and 4.5at%, respectively. Also the PIE of mixed nitride pins of BREST type with helium and lead sub-layers after intermediate tests to maximum...
This paper reviews the status of fast reactor fuels. The main focus of the development of fast reactor fuel is their potential for actinide transmutation and high burn up. Metallic, oxide, carbide, nitride and dispersion type fuels are being used as fast reactor fuels. Metallic fuels, because they produce an extremely hard neutron spectrum, are neurotically ideal for fast reactors. As compared...
Uranium-zirconium carbonitride has been developed at the LUCH FSUE and is a high-density high-temperature fuel with high heat conductivity capable of being used in various types of reactors, including fast reactors. The main problem hindering wide application of this fuel is insufficient knowledge of its behavior under irradiation, especially at high burnup. In the USSR, HEU UZrCN (96% by...
At the moment, in the world nuclear power industry there are proposals for the transition from oxide to other types of fuel, which can be much more cost-effective and used in the technology of closing the nuclear fuel cycle based on fast reactors. One of such fuels is uranium-plutonium nitrides. During the fission of uranium and plutonium nuclei in fast neutron reactors, a large number of...
The following topics are considered in this presentation:
The main issues of nuclear power are connected with spent nuclear fuel management, radioactive waste management and limited stocks of uranium.
Rosatom’s strategy of two-component nuclear energy system with closed nuclear fuel cycle based on fast reactors is presented.
The map of Rosatom’s fuel company TVEL activity shows the key...
The Fast Reactor concept has been proposed by Generation-IV initiative as a potential candidate to develop safe, sustainable, reliable, proliferation-resistant and economic nuclear energy systems (GIF, 2002). Within fast reactor core, fission chain reaction is sustained by fast neutrons which result in a much higher and harder neutron flux than that of thermal reactors. This high neutron flux...