The advanced development of NPE assumes gradual embedding fast neutron reactors, which enshures the most complete use of the uranium and thorium resources. Even on the theoretical level there are some alternative solutions for organization of operation of reactor facility and the fuel cycles. The experimental verification requirs the considerable amount of time and serious material resources. The mathematical simulation is an effective method for evaluation of acceptability of technology development and organization of fuel cycle. Also these decisions must be coordinated at every stage of NFC: strategic, system and technologycal.
RFNC-VNIITF has been developed the mathematical model and software platform ATEK since 2008. The platform makes it possible to simulate the objects of NFC with different level of detailing on the base of unified principles. The code ATEK-NFC is designed for computational assesment of techno-economic characteristics of scenarios of NFC development. The code LOGOYAT is created for assessing the development fo infrastructure of handling spent fuel scheme. The code ODC is oriented to asses the economical characteristics of NPE components. The speciality of simulation on the platform ATEK is consideration of nuclide composition, which allows evaluating activity and heat generation at every stage of NFC and is the base of for computational evaluation of nuclear and radiation safety. The code VIZART allows calculating the characteristics of technologies and manufactures of NFC, assessing the pricipal performability of technologies, optimizing technology lines layout. The results of calculation for material balances and sequence diagrams of equipment operation are used while preparing initial data for development of the equipment and designing technology lines of reprocessing, fabrication and radioactive waste handling modules whithin "Proryv" project.
Safety is an obligatory term for every object fo nuclear energy use. When enclosing NFC part of technologies are developed for the first timeand does not have counterparts while highly active materials are involved into the cycle and their use experimentally is ellaborated or impossible. Since 2017 the work on developing the system of calcution models has been carried out for substiantiation of safety of tchnology stages of nuclear fuel cycle. The system of straight-through calculations is developed consisting of code VIZART, CFD-model of apparatus? codes for calculation of critical charaacteristics, radiation exposure, assesment of fire and explosion safety. Obtained calculational information on concentrations, pressures and temperatures was transformed to codes for calculating neutron-physical charcteristics and radiation exposures using the automatic software tools to estimate the critical technology characteristics.
Country/Int. organization | Russian Federation |