The Fast Reactor concept has been proposed by Generation-IV initiative as a potential candidate to develop safe, sustainable, reliable, proliferation-resistant and economic nuclear energy systems (GIF, 2002). Within fast reactor core, fission chain reaction is sustained by fast neutrons which result in a much higher and harder neutron flux than that of thermal reactors. This high neutron flux allow for the production of fissile materials from fertile nuclides through the so-called breeding process, whereas, part of fission neutrons is used to convert fertile nuclides (238U and 232Th) into fissile nuclides (239Pu and 233U, respectively).
Two computational models, homogeneous and heterogeneous, of the large scale Gas cooled Fast concept GFR2400 are designed using Monte Carlo transport code, MCNPX. The two designed models are used to study and analyze the neutronic behavior and transmutations capabilities of the reactor core. Furthermore, the results of both models are compared with each other to study the effect of fuel homogeneity on the neutronic parameters and transmutation of the GFR2400 fast reactor. The isotopic transmutation within the reactor core was calculated for fuel burn-up of 1443 EFPD. The obtained results indicate that the GFR2400 core can achieve sustainability whereas, ~ 99% breeding ratio can be reached without the use of fertile blankets. Moreover, the results of both heterogeneous and homogeneous models have shown good agreement.
Country/Int. organization | Egypt |