In 2014, the Border monitoring activity in Thailand project was initiated by the supporting from the European Commission, Joint Research Center (JRC) Ispra, Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU). The Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP) is responsible for the implementation of this project.
The purpose of this project is to support the organization in charge of the fight against illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials in the Kingdom of Thailand. This support will cover the deployment of radiation equipment as identified together with the OAP and the end users and the provision of corresponding training to the services involved. The deployed radiation detection equipment is Personal radiation detector, Radiation Identification Device and High Purity Germanium Detector. Those instruments were delivered to Thai Customs, Thailand Post, Royal Thai police (Forensic Science Police), Immigration Bureau, Airport Authority of Thailand and Bangkok Port Authority.
OAP is the competent authority which takes responsibility for training the end users on the development and practices of the procedures to detect and respond to radioactive and nuclear material out of regulatory control. Follow up the project, OAP provided the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the end users to a central role and coordinate with all the end users and to ensure the achievement of this mission. OAP organized the yearly training on the National Front-Line Officers Training and Standard Operating Procedure Workshop on Radiation Detection and Response at Borders with the experts from IAEA, US DOE, and EC-JRC. Over the years, the awareness of nuclear security was widely recognized to the relevant authorities involving in the nuclear security aspect. Then again, the succeed from this strategy is the driving forwards on strengthening nuclear network in the country.
After the project has been finished successfully, hand-held equipment was exploited and routinely used to detect and respond to the cases of illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials out of regulatory control. Front-line officers have been trained for the proper use of the delivered equipment. Moreover, end users have received trained and also ready to provide training to others for better sustainability.
The purpose of this paper is to review the beneficial on the border monitoring activities in Thailand and the strategy on sustaining the mission, as well as the radiation monitoring methodology at the border by customs, police or other law enforcement bodies on the radiation monitoring illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials out of regulatory control at border crossing facilities.
State | Thailand |
Gender | Female |