The Government of Lebanon requested an INSerV mission in 2006 for evaluating the nuclear security measures that need to be taken in Lebanon for implementing a comprehensive scheme for combating the illicit trafficking of radioactive and nuclear material and to enhance the physical protection relevant to radiological facilities.
The first integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan, drafted in 2008 and endorsed in 2010 by all concerned national bodies with the assistance of the IAEA (Nuclear Security Division) was based on the recommendations and suggestions of the INSerV mission.
The INSSP of Lebanon was updated in 2012, 2016 and in 2019 and it covers legal and regulatory framework, prevention, detection, emergency and response and HRD.
The implementation of the INSSP in Lebanon will be presented in a comprehensive manner showing the involvement of all concerned national stakeholders, the national official structure created for the better effectiveness and efficiency in Inter-Agency coordination and cooperation, that is needed for the smooth efficient and sustainable implementation activities related to the INSSP document.
The achievement in establishing nuclear security units, structure and capacities within the national stakeholders (Lebanese Army, Internal Security Forces, Customs, General Security, Civil Defense, Red Cross, LAEC…) and their role in the nuclear security national scheme will be presented and discussed with a highlight on the achievement related to the repatriation of category I and II disused radioactive sources, effectiveness of the control of illicit trafficking of radioactive and nuclear materials and the management of radioactive waste from security point view at the national level.
State | Lebanon |