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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Good Practices and Outcomes of the Asia Regional Network of Nuclear Security Training Support Centres

Not scheduled
Paper CC: Role of Nuclear Security Support Centers to support and sustain national nuclear security regimes


Mr Yosuke Naoi (ISCN/JAEA)


China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) drew statements that committed to establishing a capacity building support center in each country at the 1st nuclear security summit held in Washington DC in 2010. Based on the statement, each country respectively established a capacity building support center in December 2010 in Japan (ISCN: Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security), March 2014 in ROK
(INSA: International Nuclear Nonproliferation and Security Academy), and March 2016 in China (SNSTC: State Nuclear Security Technology Center). Since the establishment, these centers have been actively in operation and providing training courses for national, regional and international audiences. Meanwhile IAEA, in the Nuclear Security Plan 2010-2013, commits to support States in developing Nuclear Security Training Support Centres (NSSCs) to facilitate human resource development and provide technical support at the national and regional levels. In order to support the member states with planned NSSC, IAEA held a preparatory meeting in February 2011 to launch the network and established “NSSC network” in February 2012. As China, ROK and Japan were working on establishment of similar NSSCs in the region, it was recognized among three parties to coordinate and cooperate, for example, by avoiding duplicate training courses among the three States. With this recognition, China, Japan, ROK established the Asia Regional Network (ARN) as a subnetwork within the NSSC Network in 2012. The ARN met in the margins of NSSC network annual meeting, facilitated by the IAEA, and initiated cooperative activities including information exchange and sharing of best practices. Since the establishment of SNSTC in China in 2016, SNSTC, INSA and ISCN have hosted “Asia Regional Network Meeting among China, Japan and ROK with IAEA (ARN+1 meeting)” every year in rotation since 2017. Through a series of ARN+1 meetings, SNSTC, INSA and ISCN have been strengthening the cooperative relationship in practical and meaningful ways including by exchanging information on training activities to understand each center’s strengths and coordinate schedules, sharing good practices and ongoing challenges to learn from each other, and sharing human resources by mutually dispatching instructors to the other centers’ training course. At the 3rd ARN+1 meeting held in May 2019, Japan, it was agreed by the 3 NSSCs and the IAEA to launch a joint project to jointly plan, prepare and organize technical visits to an operational NSSC in the region, to support developing NSSCs in neighbouring States on the area of human resource development in nuclear security. This paper describes the good practices and outcomes from the past activities of ARN+1 which is the first regional network of NSSCs in the world and foresees its future prospect.

State Japan
Gender Male

Primary authors

Mr Yosuke Naoi (ISCN/JAEA) Ms Na Young Lee (INSA/KINAC) Mr Xu Zhenhua (SNSTC/China) Ms In Young Suh (Division of Nuclear Secutity, IAEA)

Presentation materials