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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Niger’s Experience in Establishing and formalizing nuclear security processes in integrated management systems

Not scheduled
Interactive Content Presentation CC: Establishing and formalizing nuclear security processes into integrated management systems


Mr Abdou Salam Yahaya Bako (Haute Autorité Nigérienne à l'Energie Atomique)


I. Introduction:
• An overview on Niger Republic and its related Nuclear Security activities.
• An overview of Niger's legislative and regulatory framework of the field of Nuclear security
• the creation of a high level body coordination for Nuclear Security and the promotion of peaceful use of nuclear energy (HANEA)
• the creation of a National Comity of Nuclear Security within the HANEA.

II. Establishment of Nuclear Security activities through the National Comity of Nuclear Security:
• The adoption of a ridge of the Minister-in-Office of the President of the Republic determining the missions, the composition and the functioning of the National Nuclear Safety Committee;
• The allocation of resources for the functioning of the committee
• The official designation of focal points of national institutions with responsibilities for nuclear safety;
• The organization of the committee
• The development of an action plan to develop the national nuclear safety regime.
• The division of roles within the committee
• Drafting of activity reports in order to inform the highest national authorities about the activities carried out by the committee, the prospects and the challenges to be met.
• The integration of nuclear security into the implementation of national homeland security and the use of existing security systems for the benefit of nuclear security;
• Assessment of the national nuclear security system to identify strengths, weaknesses and challenges

III. The role of the IAEA in supporting the work of the committee:
• Training of committee members and other stakeholders in national, regional and international workshops;
• provision of reference documents to support activities;
• Expert missions;
• The Bilateral Cooperation Framework (INSSP), the other IAEA-Niger collaboration platforms, as well as the nuclear security networks (NSSC Network, FLO Network, etc.) allowing Niger to benefit from the experiences of other member countries of the IAEA.

IV. The successes registered and difficulties encountered:

IV-1. Successes related to the creation of the coordinating authority and the national nuclear safety committee

IV-2. Difficulties encountered by the committee in the implementation of its activities

V. Conclusion-Recommendations

State Niger
Gender Male

Primary author

Mr Abdou Salam Yahaya Bako (Haute Autorité Nigérienne à l'Energie Atomique)

Presentation materials