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10–14 Feb 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Supporting carriers efforts to develop their security culture

Not scheduled
Paper CC: Nuclear security culture in practice with a focus on sustainability


Christian Tertrais (Ministère de l'énergie)Mrs Claire JOLY (Ministry for an ecological and inclusive transition)Mrs Ophélie GUYARD (Ministry for an ecological and solidary transition)


Background :

Having a large nuclear industry imposes France to have a robust physical protection regime for the security of nuclear material, their facilities and their transport as well as a strong nuclear security authority. In this regard France reviewed its regulation and its Designed Basis Threat (DBT) from 2009 to 2011. However, to better adapt to the current threat, security adjustments are to be made. They have to be shared and fully understood by licensees so that security culture can be spread among all people in charge of or taking part to nuclear transports in their company. Here stands the real challenge.

Steps forward a better shared security culture

The threat is evolving. States and people have acknowledge that fact and governments are making their best to address it. The nuclear community does the same. Time has come to promote, develop, renew and harden security measures and processes to better answer it.

In this regard, the french nuclear security authority is supporting carriers’ effort to increase their security culture policy, among all personal in charge or connected with nuclear transports, in a continually improving process.

Different steps have already been taken. Further security stages have been initiated along the following trends :

increasing the threat perception
developing a transport security mindset among all the nuclear carriers community
broadening the range of transport security inspections
widening the “unpredictability program” on nuclear transports
setting higher standards for nuclear transport licensees’ renewal.

This is the presentation the French nuclear security authority proposes to share and to elaborate on at the February 2020 security conference in Vienna. strong text

State France

Primary authors

Christian Tertrais (Ministère de l'énergie) Mrs Claire JOLY (Ministry for an ecological and inclusive transition) Mrs Ophélie GUYARD (Ministry for an ecological and solidary transition)

Presentation materials