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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Inter-Agency Collaboration in Combating Illicit Trafficking of Radioactive Materials in Kenya

Not scheduled
Paper MORC: Preventing illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive material


Michael Atogo (Radiation Protection Board)


An effective nuclear security infrastructure in a country requires an appropriate integration and coordination of responsibilities among the government agencies. In Kenya, the Radiation Protection Board is the national competent authority on matters of radiation safety, security of radioactive and nuclear materials, control of consumer products contaminated with radioactivity, and other related matters. To effectively carry out these mandate, the Board set up the department of Nuclear Security and Coordination Centre (NSCC). This centre coordinates the activities of other agencies to ensure effective surveillance to combat illicit trafficking of radioactive and nuclear materials in the country and through the border posts. Kenya is strategically located to serve some land locked countries within the East and Central African region. These countries import radioactive sources some of which pass through the Kenyan territory destined for use in industrial and other facilities. This has led to a challenge in tracking the movement of radioactive materials from their points of entry to the end users in other countries. However, through the coordination of agencies, coupled with a robust legislative and regulatory framework, some of the previously identified challenges have been addressed. This paper will give an overview on how these government agencies coordinate in ensuring that illicit trafficking of radioactive and nuclear materials is eliminated in the country. Some of the challenges identified were highlighted and possible solutions recommended.

State Kenya
Gender Male

Primary author

Michael Atogo (Radiation Protection Board)

Presentation materials