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10–14 Feb 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Capacity Building of Regulatory Staff for Nuclear Security

Not scheduled
Interactive Content Presentation CC: Capacity building (e.g. human resource development and sustainability, nuclear security education and job-specific performance training including for newcomer countries)


Mr Muhammad Abid Aslam (Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority)


Maintaining a sufficient number of highly skilled professionals, with appropriate academic qualifications and adequate experience, for regulatory supervision is of prime importance for regulatory bodies. This requires availability of a sustainable education and training program to build capacity of the regulatory staff through in-house training and retraining. Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) adapted a proactive approach since its inception and started conducting in-house professional training courses and different methodology in the area of nuclear safety, radiation safety, radiation protection and Physical Protection.
PNRA also adopted a strategy to recruit staff that has basic and applied science knowledge by two way; induction of graduates from universities and graduates selected for fellowships for master degree in nuclear sciences programs. For an effective and systematic approach to the capacity building of the regulatory body, PNRA established a training center, National Institute of Safety and Security (NISAS) for the assessment of individual training plan and to conduct the formal training programme of its regulatory staff in light of regulatory body needs/requirements for nuclear safety and security. Based on the competence need assessment (CNA) and training needs assessment (TNA), PNRA trained its staff by different methods i.e. identification of competency gaps in legal, technical, regulatory practices and behavioral domains, establishment of a training centre for training of its man power including stakeholders, initiation of in-house training program for regulatory staff including hands on training sessions, commencement of a fellowship scheme for master degree program, attachment of staff at local/foreign institutes through IAEA for training and placement at various organizations for technical development with the assistance of International Atomic Energy Agency. The above strategies have been very beneficial in competence building of the PNRA staff to perform its regulatory activities indigenously not only for nuclear security and physical protection, but also for radiation protection and nuclear safety.
This paper summarizes the PNRA methodology to train its staff form the first step that is need identification to the final step that is evaluation of capacity building including policy making, implementation strategies (short and long term) for capacity building and determination of their competency needs. This also includes the measures taken for the competency development and subsequently enhancement of capacity building of its stakeholders including the support provided by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The above methodology/strategy is based on the competency model as given in IAEA Safety Report Series 79 “Managing Regulatory Body Competence" and using IAEA TECDOC 1757 "Systematic Approach to Regulatory Competence Needs Assessment (SARCoN).

State Pakistan
Gender Male

Primary author

Mr Muhammad Abid Aslam (Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority)

Presentation materials