Jiří Gerža
(ČEZ, a.s., NPP Dukovany)
Preparing for safeguards new facilities, processes and campaigns (NEW)
Panelist (Panel Session)
For many years, Czech Nuclear Power Plant Dukovany operator cooperates with the IAEA in the area of safeguards. The facility with VVER 440 reactors is suitable for performing of different activities, both technical equipment tests, and safeguards inspectors training. Besides of these activities, the Agency and the operator agreed on a special procedure for spent fuel cask sealing. The operator...
Stefano Vaccaro
(European Commission, DG Energy, Nuclear Safeguards)
Preparing for safeguards new facilities, processes and campaigns (NEW)
Panelist (Panel Session)
Spent fuel arising from nuclear power plant operation is accumulating and most of it is currently stored until a decision is taken on the strategy for disposal. Safeguards inspectorates are facing a growing challenge to verify large numbers of spent fuel assemblies being loaded into dry storage casks – as a result of reactor shutdown or owing to capacity issues in wet storage pools.
Lars Hildingsson
(Swedish Radiation Safety Authority)
Preparing for safeguards new facilities, processes and campaigns (NEW)
Panelist (Panel Session)
Sweden is in the final stages of planning and licensing an encapsulation plant and a geological repository that together will process and dispose of all spent nuclear fuel from the Swedish nuclear programme. If approved and built, the two facilities will handle and deposit about 150 copper canisters per year for about 40 years. Each canister will have 12 BWR or 4 PWR spent fuel...
Robert Finch
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Preparing for safeguards new facilities, processes and campaigns (NEW)
Panelist (Panel Session)
Access points at a geological repository (GR) for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel and other nuclear wastes present potential diversion paths for nuclear material. Such access points can include one or more ramp entrances for fuel-emplacement and construction operations, elevator shafts for moving personnel and equipment, ventilation shafts, and other design features that can provide access...
Shinichi Nakashima
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Preparing for safeguards new facilities, processes and campaigns (NEW)
Panelist (Panel Session)
Since 1957, Ningyo-Toge Environmental Engineering Center (Ningyo-Toge) of JAEA had been served as R&D center for uranium mining, refining, conversion and uranium enrichment in Japan.
After the several decades of operation, all facilities including Uranium Refining and Conversion Plant (URCP), Uranium Enrichment Pilot Plant (UEPP) and Uranium Enrichment Demonstration Plant (UEDP) stopped their...