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5–8 Nov 2018
Vienna International Centre
CET timezone

Enhancing Productivity and Efficiency in Safeguards Implementation through Upgraded Collaboration between the IAEA and Member States

Not scheduled
M Building (Vienna International Centre)

M Building

Vienna International Centre

Wedge Participant Shaping the future of safeguards implementation (SGI) [SGI] Establishing and Strengthening State and Regional Systems


Dr Osamu Aruga (Japan Safeguards Office)


The IAEA faces increasing safeguards challenges and opportunities these days. Nuclear material and nuclear facilities and LOFs under IAEA safeguards have increased radically in the past decade, while the financial and human resources available for the IAEA have not followed the trend. In order to ensure the IAEA fulfil the Safeguards mission, the IAEA plans to strengthen partnerships with States in its long-term strategy.

The article three of INFCIRC/153 stipulates that “the Agency and the State shall co-operate to facilitate the implementation of the safeguards.” The Service Series 21 specifies that the “IAEA and the SRA should work together to reduce duplication of efforts, minimize errors, avoid miscommunication and implement effective procedures.”

There are various types of collaboration between the IAEA and States, including support programmes, implementing `safeguards by design’ principles, state’s efforts to facilitate IAEA verification activities, translation of open source information from local language to English and joint use equipment (JUE).

This paper proposes further collaboration in order to enhance productivity and efficiency in safeguards implementation: support of IAEA’s inspection activities by State inspectors, while ensuing its capability to draw soundly based safeguards conclusions. For example, in environmental sampling, the “clean guy” could be played by a state inspector, while the “dirty guy” must be an IAEA inspector.

Authenticating the quality of work by state inspector is a key to ensure the soundness of safeguards conclusions. In case of JUE, technical authentication is always assured by the SGTS of the IAEA. Similarly, in order to make sure that the support by state inspector is soundly based, some mechanisms of certifying his/her work is essential. Possible ways to assure this include certificate by the IAEA, through participation in ICAS, safeguards traineeship program, and SSAC training courses. The conditions of collaboration should be specified in document between the IAEA and states in a form of safeguards implementation procedure as well.

Topics SGI1
Which "Key Question" does your Abstract address? SGI1.2
Which alternative "Key Question" does your Abstract address? (if any) SGI1.4

Primary author

Dr Osamu Aruga (Japan Safeguards Office)


Mr Akinari Kawamoto (Nuclear Regulation Authority, Japan)

Presentation materials