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Experience of Tecnatom in Developing a Strong Leadership for Safety and Performance

23 Feb 2016, 14:00
Boardroom B/M1 (IAEA HQ)

Boardroom B/M1


Vienna International Centre, Vienna, AUSTRIA


Fernando Gonzalez (Spain)


This paper presents experience and insights of Tecnatom in the support of internal and external clients to develop a strong Leadership for Safety.
Several cases are presented briefly:
(a) The leadership and culture change activities for a utility, a radwaste company, and for Tecnatom itself. One important characteristic of the work performed is the detailed consideration of the underlying organizational culture that underpins the safety culture. Measurable improvements have been achieved and some of the key insights are shared in this paper.
(b) The development and implementation of a leadership model with 17 competencies, including safety explicitly. One benefit of this model is that allows to perform a quantitative assessment of leadership effectiveness, something vital to be able to ensure that leadership development actions are truly supporting safety. The model uses an approach to development oriented to strengths and the use of companion competencies to further develop leadership. Moreover it aims to produce significant improvements on safety but also on performance, since both are not competing goals when the proper leadership model is selected. The training material prepared was shortlisted in the 2014 Nuclear Training Awards.
(c) The design and implementation of a training development program on Safety Culture, and required competencies of Leadership, for Top Managers of the nuclear industry, as part of the project NUSHARE of the European Commission´s 7th research framework program. The program is sensible to the reduced time availability of Top Managers and uses a combination of learning approaches (webinars, micro-e-learnings, web meetings) that provide higher flexibility for the learner, but complemented with other proven methods (group dialog, journaling, mentoring, etc.) to ensure that the program is effective.
All these experiences reveal that to improve the organizational Safety Culture we need to enhance Leadership for Safety and Performance.

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Primary author

Fernando Gonzalez (Spain)


Mr Jose I Villadoniga (TECNATOM)

Presentation materials