Although independent and cumulative fission product yields have been a part of evaluated libraries for decades, there have been few updates over the years. The fission product yield sub-library in the ENDF/B-VIII.0 library is still largely based on the evaluation of England and Rider from the mid-90’s [1], with only more recent updates to the energy dependence of $^{239}$Pu below 2 MeV [2]...
Neutron and gamma induced reaction data are the important elements in diversified nuclear applications. The complete nuclear reaction information includes the nuclear reaction cross sections, angular distributions, energy spectrum et al. The study of nuclear reaction data and the relevant covariance in China have been carried out for decades under the joint collaboration of China Nuclear Data...
We will briefly summarize changes in the EMPIRE code since the last CNR meeting in 2018. Then we will discuss the fundamental issue of gradual absorption in the Multistep Compound mechanism that has been hindering its use in evaluation work. A new attempt at solving the problem will be presented. We will also mention the advanced treatment of gamma emission in the MSC that, albeit implemented...