Accurate nuclear data (ND) are necessary for the conception, development, optimization, and safety evaluation of nuclear energy applications (both fission and fusion) and non-energy applications such as radiation protection, radionuclide production, health, geosciences, space research, security, and industry.
In Europe, the ND activities have been funded so far by national funding agencies...
For detailed technical designs and safety evaluations of innovative nuclear reactor systems, accurate cross-sections are required. Especially, in the field of nuclear systems such as the transmutation of radioactive waste and various innovative reactor systems, neutron-capture cross sections of minor actinides (MAs) and long-lived fission products (LLFPs) are quite important to estimate the...
China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is a newly built large scale facility in 2018. It is generating neutrons by bombarding 1.6 GeV protons into a tungsten target for multidisciplinary research. A back-streaming neutron beamline (Back-n) at CSNS is built at the reverse direction regarding to the proton beam mainly for the nuclear data measurement. Back-n is characterized by its wide energy...