With very few exceptions, direct measurements of neutron capture rates on radionuclides have not been possible. A number of indirect methods have been pursued such as the surrogate method [1], the γ-ray strength function method [2,3], the Oslo method [4-7] and the β-Oslo method [8]. Substantial effort has been devoted to quantify the usually large systematic errors that accompany the results...
Neutron induced reactions remain as a subject of great interest for both theory and applications, especially at medium energy range (20 MeV - 40 MeV), where particle emission is mostly described by “pre-equilibrium processes” and nuclear structure effects start to wash out. The current theoretical nuclear models still lack the capability to predict cross sections for any nucleus in an...
Neutron-induced charged-particle reactions are ubiquitous in nature and their understanding is needed for a variety of applications, ranging from fundamental Nuclear Physics to energy production and medical applications. Motivated by recent measurements at CERN n-TOF facility, we have performed calculations of the charge-exchange 12C(n,p)12B reaction within the ab initio no-core shell model...
Nuclear reactions on unstable fission products are of interest to nuclear non-proliferation efforts and basic science. While these reactions have historically been extremely difficult to measure, new experimental facilities are beginning to make beams of fission products available for the first time, enabling exciting experiments. The opening of this new area of the nuclear chart for...