TALYS is a software package for the simulation of nuclear reactions below 200 MeV. It is used worldwide for the analysis and prediction of nuclear reactions and is based on state-of-art nuclear structure and nuclear reaction models.
We will present the overall status of the code, in particular the recent TALYS-2.0 release.
Next, a global validation of the latest photon strength functions...
As a former student and long-time collaborator of Eric Bauge, I am honored to discuss the advancements in microscopic reaction models aimed at enhancing the reliability of nuclear data. Eric Bauge’s work has been instrumental in fostering close collaborations between nuclear structure physicists and reaction physicists. His encouragement and guidance have inspired me and many others to pursue...
A short overview of the interaction with Eric within the RIPL project will be given. Calculations performed with the semi-microscopic Lane-consistent folding model (SMOM) potential of Bauge et al. [1] extended to coupled channels [2] will be compared with dispersive coupled-channel optical model potentials for 232Th and 238U [3,4].
(1) E. Bauge, J. P....
The rapid neutron-capture process, or r-process, is one of the major nucleosynthesis processes called for to explain the origin of about half of the elements heavier than iron in the Universe. From the nuclear physics side, the r-process requires the knowledge of the neutron capture cross section by exotic neutron-rich nuclei, hence of the neutron-nucleus optical model potential. Eric has...
In modern nuclear data evaluations, nuclear reactions and statistical methods cannot be separated. Whereas the first one is continuously improved for many decades, the second one is now benefiting from large computer power.
Ahead of its time, our colleague Eric Bauge had understood the advantage of linking them together. He developed modern Bayesian methods, and helped many of us to move in...
In this talk in honor of Eric Bauge’s leadership in nuclear data collaborations, I describe the CIELO international collaboration that we ran, from 2013-2018. I set this up through the auspices of the OECD/NEA/WPEC in 2013, with much help from Eric. Numerous labs from the US, Europe and Asia collaborated on new measurements and new evaluations. The results of the collaboration positively...
The past couple of decades have seen tremendous advances in nuclear structure and reaction theory. Innovative theory frameworks for describing the nuclear many-body system, increasingly powerful computers, and opportunities for confronting theory predictions with data on unstable nuclei, have been driving the field. An important goal is to move from phenomenological ingredients in reaction...
For more than a decade CEA Bruyeres-le-Chatel and LANL theoretical division have been cooperating on the development of nuclear theories and their application to the nuclear data. Dr. Eric Bauge of CEA had vigorously participated in the collaborative efforts to promote ideas in fundamental theoretical physics to the basis of scientific and/or technological achievements in the applied area. Our...