This talk will discuss the application of phenomenological R-matrix methods to problems in light nuclei. An overview of the theoretical approaches will be presented and contemporary computer codes will be reviewed. Included here will be a discussion why R-matrix methods are often the method of choice for nuclear cross section evaluations in light nuclei. Examples of current interest to nuclear...
Description of quantum many-body dynamics is extremely challenging on classical computers, as it requires taking into account many degrees of freedom. In nuclear physics, this translates on a large number of break up channels that have to be taken into account depending on the energy of the reaction. Even using classical computing exascale capabilities will not allow a full description of...
The R-matrix formalism is well suited and worldwide used for the description of nuclear reactions in the resonance region. At present there exist several excellent R-matrix codes for extended analyses of nuclear reaction data (e.g. SAMMY, AZURE, AMUR, EDA, RAC et others). Recently the coupled-channel code system GECCCOS has been developed at TU Wien which includes a versatile R-matrix module....