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28 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone
Workshop programme now available

AI-driven tokamak control in HL-2A/2M

28 Nov 2023, 14:45
Conference Room 1 (CR1), C Building, 2nd floor (IAEA Headquarters)

Conference Room 1 (CR1), C Building, 2nd floor

IAEA Headquarters

Invited AI


Shuo Wang (Southwestern Institute of Physcis)


Machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI) methods have been applied to fusion energy research for over 2 decades, including the areas of disruption prediction, particle distribution and loss prediction, plasma equilibrium reconstruction and so on. The success in achieving magnetic control of the TCV tokamak with deep learning methods has demonstrated great opportunities for intelligent control of fusion power plants by ML/AI. There are currently huge needs of AI/ML for accelerated progress toward realization of the fusion energy. This work reports progresses on AI-driven tokamak control in HL-2A/2M based on both the experimental and simulation data, covering the areas of disruption prediction, the magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) modes recognition, and predicting the operation beta limit.
The electromagnetic and thermal energy loads on the first wall and other plasma facing components during tokamak disruptions are often sufficiently high to cause huge damages to the device. Disruptions are hardly avoidable in tokamaks, and are often difficult to predict. AI/ML provides a potential way to address this issue. A machine learning model has been trained to predict disruptions in HL-2A. Further efforts have been made to improve accuracy and interpretability of the model. Both the off-line and real-time tests achieved good performance.
The tokamak plasma disruption can be due to many factors, with the macroscopic MHD instability being one of them. It is known that the pressure-driven external kink (XK) mode sets a ‘hard’ limit to the tokamak operation. As the plasma pressure exceeds the so-called Troyon $\beta_N$ limit, major disruptions can occur. The operational $\beta_N$ limit can be calculated with first-principle MHD codes but is always time-consuming. To meet the requirements of the XK mode control in real time in experiments, artificial neural networks (NNs) have been trained to predict the no-wall and ideal-wall $\beta_N$ limits based on the numerical database generated for HL-2M. The NN-prediction is found to reach 95% accuracy compared to the numerical results directly computed by the MARS-F MHD stability code.
The edge localized mode (ELM) is another type of instability, that may not cause plasma disruption but can produce a large amount of heat and particle fluxes to the divertor target, which in turn potentially cause material erosion in future reactor-scale devices such as ITER. Therefore, large ELMs need to be identified and controlled, with the latter achieved by 3D magnetic coils, impurity injection or other means. We report an example of ELM recognition and mitigation experiment by the AI control system. An advanced AI model for the ELM identification via L-H transition will also be reported. Similar methods have been employed to identify the long-live mode, the tearing mode, the fish bone mode and the sawtooth in HL-2A.
As the last part of the report, we show some of the AI modeling effort which is still in progress, i.e., the device-independent disruption prediction for HL-2M with the data support from HL-2A and J-TEXT experiments, and the intelligent strategy during operations.

Speaker's Affiliation Southwestern Insitute of Physics, Chengdu
Member State or IGO/NGO China

Primary authors

Shuo Wang (Southwestern Institute of Physcis) Mr Zongyu Yang (Southwestern Institute of Physcis) Yuhang Liu (Southwestern Institute of Physcis) Xiaobo Zhu (Southwestern Institute of Physcis) Yifei Zhao (Dalian University of Technology) Yutong Xu (Nankai University) Meihuizi He (Nankai University) Jiyuan Li (Southwestern Institute of Physcis) Zhengwei Chen (SouthWestern Institute of Physics) Fan Xia (Southwestern Institute of Physcis) Bo Li (Southwestern Institute of Physcis) Yihang Chen (Southwestern Institute of Physcis) Xianming Song (Southwestern Institute of Physcis) Zhe Gao (Tsinghua University) Wulyu Zhong (Southwestern Institute of Physcis)

Presentation materials