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November 28, 2023 to December 1, 2023
Vienna International Centre
Europe/Vienna timezone

This meeting will evaluate and recommend fundamental data concerning tungsten, hydrogen, their ions and molecules in the edge plasma region of experimental nuclear fusion devices with a view to quantifying and reducing the uncertainties in the modelling of its collisional, radiative and plasma-material interaction properties.


  • knowledge-sharing and networking between fusion researchers  and plasma scientists
  • discussion and review of emerging research areas in fusion specifically related to atomic and molecular plasma processes and plasma-wall interactions incorporating tungsten and hydrogen
  • instruction of early-stage career researchers in experimental and theoretical tools used in research of plasma-particles processes taking place in the edge plasma regions 
  • proceedings of the meeting to be made available in a suitable journal publication


Research scientists related nuclear fusion, at any stage of their career, who are involved in the quantitative and qualitative study, analysis, modelling, simulation or prediction of collisional-radiative properties or plasma-wall interactions of tungsten and hydrogen in fusion devices, using or producing fundamental data on these processes. Experimental and theoretical approaches are welcomed. 

The IAEA is committed to the promotion of gender equality in all its activities and qualified women scientists are particularly encouraged to participate in the meeting.


  • Missing tungsten and hydrogen data in magnetically-confined edge plasma models
    • Rates for ionization, recombination and excitation
    • Multi-step ionization and excitation
    • Non-resonant charge exchange
  • Recommended tungsten and hydrogen data for edge plasma modelling
    • Addressing the large scatter in the various sets for W atomic data (in particular excitation rates)
    • Hydrogen molecular data: vibrationally-, rotationally- and isotopically-resolved data; mixed molecules; limited data available for T2, TH and TD
    • Metastable states of W
    • Uncertainties of W and hydrogen data
  • The inclusion of reduced photon opacity information in collisional-radiative models
    • Revised CRM with (semi)opaque lines
    • Full non-linear model or a reduced CRM
    • Isotope effects of collisional broadening in high plasma density
    • Wall reflection models for photons: on W and Be or deposited layers; surface roughness effects
  • Data needs for ITER: CR and plasma-wall interactions with W and hydrogen
    • Accuracy improvement for ionization, recombination, radiation and CX rates of W
    • CR: to obtain reliable charge distribution of W for modelling W upstream migration and penetration to core plasma
    • Spectral lines of interest W0 to at least W64+
    • Dielectronic recombination rates and photon opacity for W vapour shielding during fast transients

Participation and Registration

All persons wishing to participate the event must be designated by an IAEA Member State or should be a member of an organization that has been invited to attend. 

For registration, please see information in Participation and Registration.

Quick guide can be found here.


Participants wishing to give an oral presentation or a poster presentation, are expected to submit an abstract through Call for Abstracts

Guidelines for preparing and submitting slides and posters are given in Presentation Guidelines and Poster Guidelines

Please note

IAEA does not share meeting participant information with third parties for accommodation booking or for any other purposes. If participants ever get any email messages that make it seem like their information is being shared, they should 

  • not reply that email or click any of the link presented on that email
  • contact the IAEA meeting organizers and report the issue. 
Vienna International Centre
C Building
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Programme Committee

  • Sebastijan BREZINSEK (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
  • Ursel FANTZ (University Augsburg, Germany)
  • Izumi MURAKAMI (National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan)
  • Dirk WÜNDERLICH (Max Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik Garching, Germany)
  • Sven WIESEN (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
  • Kalle HEINOLA (IAEA)
  • Christian HILL (IAEA)

Local organising committee

  • Kalle HEINOLA (IAEA)
  • Christian HILL (IAEA)
  • Szende ELIAS (IAEA) 
  • Charisse MONFERO (IAEA)