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November 27, 2023 to December 1, 2023
Europe/Vienna timezone

The second Technical Meeting on the requirements for (alpha,n) data in various applications is scheduled for November 27th to December 1st, 2023. This meeting serves as a continuation of the first meeting held in 2021, with the aim of overseeing progress in (alpha,n) measurements, modeling, and the evaluation of data. The meeting's primary objectives are to assess the community's efforts in addressing the priorities outlined in the preceding meeting report (INDC(NDS)-0836) and make further recommendations.

The focus will be on (alpha,n) reactions at low energies up to 10 MeV relevant for applications in (i) nuclear fuel cycle (with emphasis on 17O compound system), (ii) spent fuel management, nonproliferation, (iii) low background experiments, (iv) nuclear astrophysics, and (v) fusion applications. We will also review the status of model and applications codes, as well as of evaluated libraries. 

The meeting will be virtual.

Application for this event is currently open.