Nigeria seeks to meet future energy needs and develop a diversified, steady, secure and sustainable electric power supply for sundry use for industrial and socio economic development through the use of nuclear science and technology. Safe management of radioactive wastes, spent fuel and disused sources from such practices is essential for the protection of human health and the environment, in order to guarantee a sustainable future. A Policy & strategy framework have been developed to serve as national commitment to address the country's radioactive waste and spent fuel issues in line with international best practices (coordinated and transparent manner); this envisages that the management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel in Nigeria shall be in accordance with national objectives and recognized international principles and best practices. Policies, legal framework, regulatory regime, institutional and basic infrastructures have been put in place to address worldwide concerns over the dangers associated with the potential threat and deliberate mischief for malicious intent, illicit trafficking of nuclear materials and other radioactive sources and their associated health hazards to the people and environment.