Since 18 of December 2019 uses Nucleus credentials. Visit our help pages for information on how to Register and Sign-in using Nucleus.

Guidelines for the Oral Presentations

All oral presentations in the Conference will be delivered as part of a specific technical session. 

Each oral presentation to be delivered during the technical session is expected to be no longer than 10 minutes, in addition, 5 minutes will be provided for questions. 

Each technical session will comprise a defined number of oral presentations followed by a brief question and answer period. 

Additionally, some technical sessions may also include a panel discussion related to the topic of the session. 

Each technical session will be staffed with a technical officer responsible for the overall organization, a session chair responsible for moderating the session and a rapporteur responsible for summarizing and capturing the key highlights of the session.



Prior to the Conference:

  • Upload your PowerPoint presentation (PPT) to INDICO by 8 October 2023.
  • Should you need one, a template can be found here
  • Bring your PPT to the Conference on a flash drive as a backup.
  • Complete the Biographical Data and Release Form of your PPT and send these to by 26 August 2023
  • Send an e-mail (  ) to the organizing committee if you do not want to have your presentation published on the Conference website.


  • Login into your INDICO account
  • In the menu on the left, select 'My Contributions'
  • Click on the title of the submission that you want to upload materials for 
  • At the bottom of the page, click on the pencil icon on the right side of 'Presentation Material'
  • Select 'Upload files' and choose the appropriate files to upload.
  • Click the 'Upload' button in the bottom right-hand corner of the dialogue box.

All files must be named according to IAEA standards. Please refer to the link "Naming Convention for files"