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Public perception and acceptance of nuclear energy in Turkey : An empirical analysis based on Twitter

Not scheduled
M-Building (IAEA Headquarters, Vienna)


IAEA Headquarters, Vienna

Vienna International Center - Wagramer Str 5 - PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria
ORAL Track 4 - Integrating the views of society into decision-making considering technical, environmental, social, and economic factors


Tugce Sahinyilmaz (Bogazici University)


Public opinion is an important factor regarding success of nuclear energy policy implementation in a country, and existing literature focusing on determinants of public opinion emphasizes trust in a variety of stakeholders, perceived risk and perceived benefits as the path leading to acceptability. However, until recently most of the studies were dependent on surveys or interviews. In order to fully grasp views of society in the matter we must look into big data with help of social media. The novelty of this study lies in the quantitative analysis of Twitter data in Turkey by identifying a panel of subscribers for a specific time interval, observe the relation of opinions with being located near power plants, being exposed to NGO and political party views via sentiment analysis and network analysis. What are the main aspects of public perception of nuclear energy? Are there variations for different stage and locations (Mersin, Sinop and Tekirdağ in particular where power plants are expected to be)? Are there any influencers in the nuclear power topic network? Are there any significant differences in perception among subscribers due to being exposed to NGO/influencer/political party activity on Twitter that should lead to alliance strategy locally or nationally?

Primary author

Tugce Sahinyilmaz (Bogazici University)

Presentation materials

