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Contribution List

86 / 86
Massoud Malek
6/14/22, 10:50 AM
Bilal Nsouli (Director of the Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission), Claire Pacheco (C2RMF and New AGLAE, Palais du Louvre), Lorenzo Giuntini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Lucile Beck (LMC14)
6/15/22, 8:30 AM
Leon Ploszczanski (Department of Material Sciences and Process Engineering BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria), Mr Philipp Siedlaczek (IPM/Boku)
6/16/22, 2:50 PM
Track 5: Acces to research infrastructure, and international as well as regional collaborations and networks

The Institute of Physics and Materials Science is specialized in characterization of biological and bio-based material including a variety of techniques and fields of application. One of them is the determination of age.
Brief description/core competencies
Chemical changes over time can be used to describe various processes. Provided these changes are slow and uniform, it is possible to use...