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3D Printing and Photgrammetry in The Restauration and Conservation for an Historical Artefact

14 Jun 2022, 18:10
Board Room C (IAEA Headquarters)

Board Room C

IAEA Headquarters

POSTER Track 1: Application of accelerator science and technology Poster session


Rodrigo Mora (Laboratorio Nacional de Nanotecnología (LANOTEC), Costa Rica)


Industry 4.0 is a new phase that includes new technologies aiming to solve problems and bring effective solutions to complicated problems in short time. Using tools of this industry like photogrammetry technique and 3D printing as methods for detailed fabrication, it was possible to create a prothesis that helped to the restauration of an artefect found by the National Musseum of Costa Rica. Through an interation of modeling, designing and fabrication a final model for the conservation of an historic piece was created. The process was considered as a success and it was exhibited in a national event by the National Musseum of Costa Rica.

Primary authors

Mr Camilo Blanco Torres (LANOTEC) Dr José Vega (LANOTEC) Rodrigo Mora (Laboratorio Nacional de Nanotecnología (LANOTEC), Costa Rica)

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