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Ion Beam analysis of Phoenician silver coins

Jun 14, 2022, 11:00 AM
Board Room C (IAEA Headquarters)

Board Room C

IAEA Headquarters

ORAL Track 1: Application of accelerator science and technology TC Asia-Pacific


Dr Ziad El Morr (Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission - National Council for Scientific Research, Lebanon)


In this paper we will present the elemental analysis results on silver coins and artefacts using Ion Beam Analysis. We will explore the challenges of applying non-destructive methods on the surfaces of archaeological metals. We will compare three methods of analysis, namely PIXE, SEM-EDS and XRF and present how we resolved problems of surface alterations. The results obtained have a great impact on the archaeological records and we will explore how these contributed to our knowledge on ancient coin systems.

Primary author

Dr Ziad El Morr (Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission - National Council for Scientific Research, Lebanon)


Dr Mohammad Roumie (Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission - National Council for Scientific Research) Dr Assaad Seif (Lebanese Univesrity)

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