Workshop program available here
Please note that a VIC Art Tour is proposed on Wednesday 15th, 12:45-13:45.
Only 15 places are available, please follow this link for registration and payment.
Practical Guidelines
Oral presentations
Please note the following duration for the oral presentations:
Plenary Invited Talks: 25 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A
Contributed oral presentations: 15 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A
Poster presentations
Posters should have a portrait orientation in order to fit the poster board and have A0 dimensions (841 mm x 1189 mm).
In addition to the traditional poster sessions, a session dedicated to flash poster presentation will be organized. Each presenter will have 2 minutes to share the highlights of their poster.
Please prepare 2 slides maximum for this session.
Setting up your IAEA-INDICO account
- Persons with an existing NUCLEUS account can sign in here with their username and password;
- Persons without an existing NUCLEUS account can register here.
- Next please login in INDICO and activate the associated INDICO account.
7 April 2022 Deadline for submission of abstracts through IAEA-INDICO for regular contributions
7 April 2022 Deadline for submission of Participation From (Form A), Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) and Grant Application Form (Form C) (if applicable) through the official channels
28 April 2022 Notification of acceptance of abstracts and of assigned awards
Due to the large number of nominations received, participants will be notified of acceptance of abstracts and of assigned awards with delay.
16 May 2022 Information on the meeting agenda, platform and remote connections are sent to the meeting participants
Who can participate?
The event is intended both for young and experienced scientists, archaeologists, conservators, curators, art historians, and heritage science stakeholders including policy makers and funding agencies actively involved in the field of characterisation, treatment and management of cultural and natural heritage objects.
The main idea of Heritage Management is embedded within the World Heritage Convention (1972). It states that it is our obligation, as humans, to promote the identification, protection, conservation, preservation, and transmission to future generations of the cultural and natural heritage. Sustainably pursuing such activities started to appear later, such as on the Budapest Declaration (2002), and has become a central notion on all human affairs. There should always be a balance on what is produced and what is preserved, on the new and the old, so that future generations can flourish knowing where its roots are.
The big breakthroughs which change our thinking and knowledge are expected to come at the intersection of the major disciplines. Increasingly apparent to scientists, science policy makers and governmental agencies is that an understanding of mankind’s past and its impact on the environment is central to tackle the problems of global warming, biodiversity, landscape management and sustainability.
Analytical techniques using intense photon, electron and ion beams produced by particle accelerators, synchrotrons, microscopes and other sources are powerful tools to gain better insight into our tangible heritage. They indeed contribute to understand their structure, composition, age, manufacturing technology and techniques applied, the source of materials used and understand their alteration and possible earlier conservation treatment. It is also possible to determine whether an artefact is original or fake by applying these techniques. Using ionizing radiation for the conservation of tangible cultural heritage is a very efficient method.
The overall objective of this Workshop is to provide a forum for nuclear scientists, conservators, curators, art historians, archaeologist and heritage science stakeholders including policy makers and funding agencies to present and discuss recent developments in accelerator-based techniques and data science as well as exchange ideas and build collaborations on innovative approaches of accelerator science and technology for cultural and natural heritage and its sustainable management.