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Lifetime of Long-Lived Nuclear Waste in Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Systems Undergoes Transmutation Process

Not scheduled


IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria
POSTER 3. Solutions for Specific Wastes Solutions for Specific Wastes


Ms Jesy Novita


Nuclear waste is one of the big issues of public acceptance of nuclear energy or nuclear uses in general. Nuclear waste is classified into high-level waste, transuranic waste and low-level waste. High level waste (HLW) can be transmuted into non-hazardous materials. Accelerator-driven system is used to transmute nuclear waste, moreover it can produce energy for generating electricity at the same time. ADS consists of two main parts: the accelerator and the subcritical reactor. In this study, the fuel density inside the subcritical reactor depends on the concentration of U-ThO$_{2}$(NO$_{3}$)$_{2}$, PuMA(NO$_{3}$)$_{4}$ dan HNO$_{3}$ (liquid phase). The reactor reaches subcritical conditions for RGPuMA, WGPuMA, SGPuMA when the concentration of PuMA-Nitrate is above 62.6 kmol/m3, 65.6 kmol/m3 and 66.6 kmol/m3 respectively. The investigation is to determine time taken of a subcritical reactor transmuting the long-lived nuclear waste to shorter-lived. Therefore, after the transmutation process the waste can be saved safely inside the nuclear waste repository.

Speaker's title Ms
Affiliation no institutional affiliation
Do you wish to participate as a Young Professional? Yes
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Primary author

Ms Jesy Novita


Prof. Abdul Waris (Nuclear Physics & Biophysics Research Division, Department of Physics, Bandung Institute of Technology)

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