The present paper summarizes the work conducted by the authors working on the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on “Nuclear Security for Research Reactors and Associated Facilities (RRAFs)-J02006” and more specifically, Task 2 activities: “Comprehensive Measurement of Security Risk for Research Reactors and Associated Facilities (RRAF)”. Task 2 aims...
The security of research reactors and associated facilities are subject to regulatory assessment. This oversight is designed to ensure that the security system meets the required regulatory standards nationally and internationally. Though the intention of this is to prove that the systems will work against a defined adversary stated in regulations, it does not always be fully assured that it...
Given the rising threat of radiological and nuclear terrorism, it is imperative to assess if radiological facilities, such as universities and medical centers, have the means to fully understand and evaluate the security of their radioactive sources. In this context, risk assessment is a function of threat, vulnerability and consequences. This study aims to develop and demonstrate a...
The NRC licenses and provides oversight of the civilian use of special nuclear materials (SNM) used at research reactors. Regulatory oversight seeks to protect public health and safety, promote the common defense and security, and protect the environment.
The existing SNM physical protection regulatory requirements at research reactors are graded using a material categorization approach...
This paper introduces the main concepts of the project management strategy for upgrading the Physical Protection System (PPS) at nuclear facilities. The project scope is redesigning the security systems to enhance the security measures to fulfill the requirements and recommendations of IAEA and the vision of the member state. The most challenging of security project is the successful...