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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Regulatory body experience in conducting and using a threat assessment and design basis threat in decision making process for regulating nuclear security

Not scheduled
Paper PP: Design basis threat and threat assessment: prevention and protection


Ahmed Alsalman (Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission)


As the threat profile changed rapidly against nuclear and radiological facilities and activities over the last few years, and the emerging of new techniques by terrorist groups in conducting attacks, it becomes crucial to incorporate the threat assessment and design basis threats outcomes in the regulatory requirements for nuclear security for prevention and protection of nuclear and radiological facilities.
The regulatory body depending on prescriptive and performance based approach in regulating nuclear security for those facilities, any how it is very difficult some times to change the regulatory requirements to accommodate the emerging threats against nuclear and radiological facilities, because of those challenges the regulatory body with the support of the national security agencies depend on the threat assessment and the design basis threat to face any emerging threats against the regulated radiological and nuclear facilities respectively.
Further, the purpose of sustainability and ensuring the highest level of protection of nuclear facilities, regulatory body use the design basis threats document as one of the main elements in regulatory inspection and evaluation of nuclear security measures for nuclear facilities, which impact the regulatory evaluation of the physical protection system, security procedures and insider threat mitigation program.
Since the threat changes rapidly in the region, the regulatory body decided jointly with the national security agencies to make the review and assessment process of the design basis threats to be every two years or based on any related trigger events which require an urgent start of the review process of the threat assessment.
There is a lot of benefits from using the threat assessment and the design basis threats outcomes in issuing new or modify the requirements for protection of nuclear facilities, but it comes along with other challenges regarding the need of changing the security measures for those facilities, and there should be an agreement between the regulator and the operator on the required modifications on the security measures to address the targeted threats.
The regulatory body taking into consideration the complexity and the challenges faced the operator that comes from the requirements arise from the periodic review and assessment process of the threats during the decision making process, and for that reason it gives the operator the chance to provide suitable solutions to follow the new requirements without compensation on facility security

State Jordan
Gender Male

Primary author

Ahmed Alsalman (Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission)

Presentation materials