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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Interfaces between Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Security For Existing Nuclear Reactors

Not scheduled
Paper CC: Nuclear safety and security interfaces


peter Elhamy Ishak Tawfick (Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority)


Nuclear safety and nuclear security measures have in common the aim of protecting human life and health and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. Thus, both must be designed and implemented in an integrated manner to ensure security measures do not compromise nuclear safety and nuclear safety measures do not compromise security. If there are interactions between nuclear safety and nuclear security functions of technical systems, organizational and administrative measures including plant procedures in a NPP in operation and within or between regulatory authorities, it is called an “interface between nuclear safety and nuclear security” within the scope of this document.

To identify potentially relevant interactions of the interface between nuclear safety and nuclear security with a level of detail comparable to the level of detailed Safety Reference Levels for Existing Reactors, the following tasks have been performed:

(1) Identification of national and international nuclear safety regulations where an interface with nuclear security is present. On an international level, IAEA standards have been used as source of information.

(2) Identification of national and international security regulations where an interface with nuclear safety is present. On an international level, IAEA standards have been used as source of information.

(3) Evaluation of national and international experiences related to nuclear safety if an interface with nuclear security was identified.

(4) Evaluation of national experiences related to nuclear security if an interface with nuclear safety was identified.

(5) Identification of further sources of information with relevant input for the Task Force,
e.g. results of activities performed by technical support organizations or other relevant authorities dealing with the interface between nuclear safety and nuclear security.

The interfaces identified with the previously introduced approach are described below. This report includes guidance for work in the field of nuclear safety or nuclear security to be aware of and take into consideration the effects of potential interfaces. Interfaces between nuclear safety and nuclear security are also relevant to consider for the licensee, competent authorities and for other stakeholders (e.g. technical support organisations). In addition it is intended to highlight the common aim of nuclear safety and nuclear security and to strengthen the arguments for nuclear safety and nuclear security experts to work together to achieve this aim.

State Egypt
Gender Male

Primary author

peter Elhamy Ishak Tawfick (Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority)

Presentation materials