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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Detector Applications and Testing Laboratory at the Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA EK)

Not scheduled
Interactive Content Presentation MORC: Building and maintaining nuclear security detection architecture


Mr Peter Volgyesi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Energy Research)


The Nuclear Security Department (NSD) of the Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA EK) operates a Detector Applications and Testing Laboratory (DATL) in Hungary. MTA EK and the NSD, being the Nuclear Security Support Centre of Hungary together with the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority, put a great emphasis on applied research work and prototype testing in the field of Nuclear Security applications.
The aim of the DATL is to keep track of, try out, and give expert opinion on the evolving novel technologies which could have a significant impact on the practical applications in Nuclear Security. The expertise of the DATL includes laboratory based and in-field tests of commercial detection equipment, concerning standard compliance testing and suitability testing for a given user application. The standard compliance tests are supported by a wide variety of available industrial, nuclear and NORM materials, and a medical isotope manufacturing company at the same site as the DATL. The suitability testing focuses on the user specific operational and technical requirements of the detection systems, while facilitating discussion with end-users, and hosting field-trials. Prototype testing includes the completion of customized test campaigns in close cooperation with manufacturer companies, providing assistance in preparing for standard compliance tests or tenders.
The applied research work of DATL covers topics from various scientific fields. By investigating the needs of nuclear security stakeholders and the development of technology worldwide, we aim to bring forward new ideas, experiments, and practical implementations of advanced technics and procedures, which would make the operations of the relevant organizations safer and easier. The DATL and the Nuclear Security Department promotes national and international cooperation in research and development, and training areas in Nuclear Security.

State Hungary
Gender Male

Primary authors

Mr Peter Volgyesi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Energy Research) Ms Csilla Csome (Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Energy Research) Mr Andras Kovacs (Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Energy Research (MTA EK)) Mr Attila Gulyás (Nuclear Security Department, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Energy Research) Mr Csaba Tóth (Nuclear Security Department, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Energy Research) Mr Gergely Dósa (Nuclear Security Department, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Energy Research) Mr György Nagy (Nuclear Security Department, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Energy Research)

Presentation materials

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