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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Overview of the World Nuclear Transport Institute's (WNTI) Transport Security Working Group (TSWG)

Not scheduled
Paper PP: Transport of nuclear and other radioactive material: practices, challenges and regulatory issues


Ben Whittard (International Nuclear Services Ltd)


The World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI) was founded in 1998 by British Nuclear Fuels plc (BNFL), now International Nuclear Services (INS) of the United Kingdom, COGEMA now Orano of France, and the Federation of Electric Power Companies (FEPC) of Japan to represent the collective interests of the radioactive materials transport sector, and those who rely on safe, effective and reliable transport. 20 years after its establishment, WNTI now represents the views and interests of over 45 members from across the world. WNTI is based in London but has representatives across the globe including Australasia, China, Japan, North America and Southern Africa. Its members range from consignors, consignees and carriers, to engineering specialists, insurers and legal entities. Its membership is diverse, and it is dedicated to effectively representing its membership and acting upon their needs and requirements.

In doing so, WNTI hosts a number of specific member working groups which come together twice a year at its Semi Annual Members Meeting (SAMM). These working groups represent the key areas in which the members work together to ensure WNTI’s mission is achieved, discussing key risks, issues and sharing good practice. These working groups include; the SSR-6 industry working group; the Uranium Concentrates Working Group; the Back End Transport Working Group; the HEXT Working Group; and the Transport Security Working Group. Each working group is chaired by WNTI’s members whom are supported by a WNTI Specialist Advisor with engagement from across the entire membership.

This paper will specifically provide an overview of the activities and priorities of the WNTI Transport Security Working Group in 2019/20 and how it has contributed to the sector more widely, including at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and at the United Nations (UN). In doing so, it will describe its organisation and management, its work completed to date, including an overview of the relevant good practice it has created in coordination with the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS), and its work plan, which centres around three central pillars; learning from experience (LfE), industry voice and competency. It will also discuss the benefits of WNTI’s observer status at the IAEA and the work it has done with the IAEA and other international organisations to represent its members views and opinions. To conclude, it will discuss the Transport Security Working Group’s future work programme and the areas of interest that its members have raised.

State United Kingdom
Gender Male

Primary author

Ben Whittard (International Nuclear Services Ltd)

Presentation materials