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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Enhancing Global Cyber Security Capacity at Nuclear Facilities

Not scheduled
Paper CC: Information and computer security considerations for nuclear security


Dr Page Stoutland (NTI)


Working with key nuclear industry cyber experts, NTI has developed the Cyber-Nuclear Security Forum to strengthen protection of civilian nuclear facilities from cyberattacks. A successful cyberattack on a nuclear facility could have serious consequences with global ramifications for human health and safety and the industry. The Forum seeks to support the cyber-nuclear experts working hard to defend their facilities against the expanding threat.

The Forum provides a venue for dialogue, information exchange, cooperation and problem solving among an international group of operational and technical experts addressing cyber threats at nuclear facilities. The Forum aims to: (a) enhance global cyber security practices and create an international network of experts by enabling engagement among experienced cybersecurity leaders at nuclear research and energy facilities; (b) accelerate and amplify the capabilities of the limited number of skilled, trained cyber-nuclear operators in nuclear facilities, particularly in countries without mature nuclear research or energy programs; and (c) establish an industry-led, self-sustaining vehicle that helps facilities get ahead and stay ahead of constantly evolving cyber-nuclear threats.
Nuclear energy and research facilities, including the sensitive digital systems used for nuclear security and safety, are not immune from cyberattack. Compromise of a facility’s business networks could lead to the loss of sensitive business information, as well as security-sensitive information that could enable future attacks, including sabotage. Compromise of digital control systems could directly affect the safety of a nuclear facility.

Given the global demand for such experts, all countries—but particularly countries with emerging nuclear programs that lack the hands-on knowledge gained through operating experience—are struggling to attract the technical talent needed. Even in countries with established nuclear programs, some utilities have a limited number of experts dedicated to cybersecurity. Given the intense competition for experts, inadequate technical capacity will be an enduring issue and one of the fundamental challenges for the global nuclear industry.

To address this issue, the NTI Cyber-Nuclear Security Forum seeks to promote greater international cooperation by engaging and building a network of cybersecurity experts from operational nuclear facilities. The Forum offers a necessary platform for global nuclear industry experts to cooperate and collectively strengthen defenses against cyber threats. This presentation will discuss the Forum concept and successes to date.

State United States
Gender Male

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